I haven’t been interested in crocheting for a long time, so the bin of yarn in my garage has remained untouched for years. I have decided I needed to do something with it or donate it; so, I made this scarf.
@Lynx That’s a lovely, squishy looking scarf!
While I’m continuing my craft-supply low-buy this year, I did purchase enough fabric for a lap-size quilt. I’ve got it all sewn up and waiting for a warm enough day to spray-baste outside within 10 days of purchase, so the fabric didn’t technically enter stash (other than a brief rounding error where I bought 3/4 a yard of a fabric when I should have bought 1/2. oh well).
This year I’m keeping track of the fabrics that move from “scraps large enough to make a thing out of” stash to the patchwork scrap basket. 6 fabrics made that transition in January.
In all in January I used up 1 yard and 13 inches of fabric out of stash. Not my best month, but not too bad either!
Ooh, the cat-face placement on the bodice of that lower left corner one came out really well.
So far my destashing this year has mostly been assembling little crafty project kits for my kid’s friends-- sorting out sparkly beads to make up suncatcher kits, which go in little bags I got on clearance a while ago, and a bunch of tiny jars for fairy dust (mica powder). (We’re doing a party-in-a-bag swap for her birthday, so everyone gets something new & fun to play with, given that real parties are kinda off the table right now.)
I did get some stash out of the house at least. I grabbed some lovely yarn I got from a swap long ago. From the feel I’m guessing wool or woolblend, and from the color I think kool aid was involved.
I cast on maybe 30 or so stitches and knitted garter stitch for a bit. It now lives at work for anyone to knit with (with a reminder to use the hand sanitiser before and after) There were several small skeins of yarn so I threw in a couple extra knitting needles too.
Two of my colleagues expressed interest in starting to knit, and hopefully it can also inspire others to take a break amd play with yarn.
I love this idea!
Y’all are so inspiring with your methods and ideas for busting stash!
I made a simple cover for TheMisterT’s new bamboo steamer with fabric & elastic stash.
My Operation Use Up Yarn game was strong today; I made this scarf with chunky yarn!
Finished a pair of Yoga socks for a gift from a stash yarn that I am embarrassed to say I have no idea how long we’ve been room mates. A long, long time.
Ugh. More masks. Kind of needed them though. The nice bit is that two of the fronts and one of the linings really utilized some small remnants!
Flannel lined which is WAY easier on my skin.
Those are pretty colors together, @annchen.
@AntBee I hope those gave you less fuss than the blanket!
@TheMistressT I really like the Air Mail mask. The lobsters are adorable and remind me of my trip to Lobster Fest in Maine! Kudos to you for making masks. I just buy mine.
I worked on a different part of my stash today. I cut up masterboards; I trimmed cardstock scraps into useable lengths like atc blanks; I have a whole stack of masterboard/cardstock cards stacked that I now just need to glue together. And, now, my cardstock scrap drawer is cleverly organized!
@Lynx What a great way to organize and prepare!
At this point buying masks seems like even a bigger hassle than making them now that I have figured out what I want from my pattern, etc. I can just see myself ending up buying a bunch just to get one that works well for me. Sigh. I know I have more months ahead of me, too, since I will very well not qualify for a vaccine until autumn and I have made it this far protecting others, so I am committed to several more months.
Isn’t she gorgeous!! So snazzy!
Thanks! You can see why I am in love with her!
Her face!
She’s gotten a real sugar snoot in the last couple years! MY BABY!
@aimr The first picture is crochet items I have made in the past and am storing for whatever reason. (Does anyone have a granddaughter/daughter they’d like to photograph as a cute light lilac purple -not pink- mermaid?)
The second picture is the tub full of yarn. I have been going through my craft stuff in my room and I think this includes all (at least most) of Operation Use Up Yarn.
This will take a while!
Sugar snoots is a perfect description. My old gal has quite the sugar snoot.
Good idea with the flannel inside your masks.
Yes, it will! But, it will be interesting to see the combos you do and the stitches!