2024 DeStash Along

this is fabulous! very impressive

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Impressed with your color choosing skills!

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I’m winding some of my ‘good stuff’ yarn into balls - not sure what to make yet. The colorful yarn will probably become shawls or hats. I don’t think I have enough of the black to make something like a cardigan, so I’ll have to look up more patterns. :slight_smile:


Mix ‘em all up into one magical cardigan!

I’m using all stash to make a lined crochet bag. In theory haha


I have two crochet bags that need lining…when you get yours done, do mine!


“Finish eachother’s UFOs” could be a great swap :laughing: I’ll finish her socks, so she has time to line your bags.


You guys are my favorite people :slight_smile:


Where do we sign up?!


Yes yes!


I’m loving everyone’s projects! This thread is always an inspiration :heart:

So, this isn’t exactly destashing, but I guess it counts as making room for more stash? One of our projects over the long weekend was hiring a skip bin to get rid of some old broken and non-resellable/non-resusable furniture and stuff. (This was stuff the thrift store couldn’t use - they took a nice old wooden table, but rejected some other stuff.) When we started, we thought we’d have to go back and get a bigger size, but years of puzzles and computer games have paid off!

I’m hoping the skip bin guys will give us the Most Neatly Tetris-ed Skip Bin Award for the week :laughing:


Ours definitely won for packing in as much as it could hold so we wouldn’t have to pay extra for overage…this was the last time we moved…and we will need to do the same this move!


That’s a big skip! Hope it all goes smoothly doing it again this time - you are a master of moving!!


We got the biggest skip available when we demolished some walls as part of our renovations years ago. I stacked all the bricks in flat, so none of the air gaps they would probably calculate. The front wheels of the truck lifted up when they came to pick it up. I was proud of that skip.


Holy moly - that’s impressive! :smile:


I thought about it! But just black would go with more things in my closet. I’ve been looking at patterns for shrugs - they use less yarn and I could use one to wear with sleeveless dresses. :slight_smile:

(I also have a crochet bag that needs a lining. I’ve been putting it off for months :laughing:)


A shrug is a great idea. I did this one for my daughter but it’s easy enough to size to an adult.


April Themes
Color: Blue
Pattern: tone-on-tone
For: Just for Fun
Challenge1: Use that special item that you have been saving for the perfect project
Challenge 2: Start the month with a check-in on your goals. How did you do in the first quarter? Set some intentions for the next quarter.


Yesterday we visited family and the hostess has had a rough time with Arthritis so she had bagged up a bunch of yarn for me to take. I sat with it last night to get any ideas and really, it isnt for me, so I have already found a new home for it and it will be dropped off on Friday. I feel good about not keeping it.


I finally ran my Destash numbers for the 1st quarter. I haven’t been crafting much, but I sewed 23 doll dresses of various sizes, plus three other projects and used up 1.86 yards of fabric (finishing off 5 prints). My journaling habits have also changed so my stationery consumption has shifted but I completed 7 sheets of stickers, 5 pen cartridges, an ink sample, a roll of washi tape, and 5 sheets of card stock/scrapbook paper. More acquisitions & stash enhancement than I wanted (mostly on the paper and pen front) so I’m going to try for a no-buy for this quarter. Other than thread - I’m running out of workhorse white.


So while I have been working through various projects using my stash, I have jump started my destashing quite a bit by…donating yarn and a few others things to thrift stores. I’d love to use all of my yarn, but there were several balls that I just knew I wasn’t going to use. Either I had tried in the past and didn’t like the look, it was too difficult to work with, or I was just so tired of looking at it. I feel a lot lighter now that the stuff I wasn’t really “finding joy” in is gone, but it also served to highlight just how much I truly have. I’m looking forward to destashing the rest and finding room for the things that truly fit into my collection :slight_smile: