2024 DeStash Along

So, I have made zero progress toward my goals, lol. I haven’t made a single fabric gift bag or placemat since the start of the year. :see_no_evil:

I have been digging into my 2.5" squares for other projects…I made a few “fails” lately with stash and a couple successes, but since they are for a swap or swap-adjacent, I will share when it’s spoiler-safe.

I think my goal for Q2 is to “follow the inspiration.” Instead of saying I have to work on x, y, and z, I’ll play with my stash in whatever way I’m inspired to. For example, I recently made this quilted piece…with no plan/idea what I’m going to do with it:

I’m currently making strips of black and white fabric for use in a future, yet unknown project:

I also organized my paper stash for quicker/easier inspiration harnessing:

I made a quick card for a friend’s birthday recently and it was so nice to have everything easily accessible.


I thought I hadn’t done much in Q1 but actually I finished two large pieces of cross stitch (a sampler and a picture of a sewing machine, that I’ll probably put up in my room somewhere) a crocheted lap blanket and two pairs of socks. So that’s quite a lot of yarn used up. I also sewed a sweater and I had some scraps of fabric, and instead of putting those into my stash, I cut a skirt from them. It’s a simple short skirt and I had to be creative to get all the pattern pieces out of the fabric. It’s not completely finished yet, but when it is, I’ll have used up every little bit of that fabric and nothing has ended up in stash.

I’m now working on the Prairie Schooler swap and so far all thread and fabric is from stash.


I finished a pair of semi-matching shirts for me and hubster, entirely from stash (pictures to come). The fronts and collars are both the same fabric, but the rest of each shirt is a different coordinating fabric. I had to cut really carefully, and piece a bit because there wasn’t quite enough of two of the three fabrics.

I’ve bagged the scraps for my quilting neighbor, since I’ve decided not to keep little bits anymore. I recently gave her all my scraps and most of my fat quarters. I have so much more storage for the fabric I want to use!

About 30 more garments, and I could rationalize buying more fabric…


I finally threw out all those little bits of yarn…not enough to do even the scrappiest of knitting projects. I was saving them for embellishments for things like prayer flags, fabric journal pages, etc. when I realized, I could just cut a piece from my stash and not even know it was missing. It was a garbage bag full. I also took almost all of the novelty yarns out of my stash and cut off a few yards and wrapped them on cardboard. The rest is going to the senior center where they have a large crafting room where others can use it as they see fit.

I am determined not to pack anything without asking myself why I haven’t used “X” that I have saved all this time…probably like you, @Abbeeroad , I don’t want to make something just because I have “X”…

Fabrics are tough for me to get rid of…I threw out some small pieces, changed my mind and got them out of the trash…I have given myself a month to use them or else lose them…

I do have three empty large plastic bins from destashing my papers. I will probably be able to clear out one more bin.


I also threw out some little bits of yarn! I need to keep telling myself that just because I /might/ be able to use something doesn’t mean I need to keep it. That way madness (and my grandfather’s collection of coffee cans full of bent nails) lies.


I finished a lap quilt and have two others in progress, all from scraps. One is from donated
Floral scraps that I immediately turned into a quilt .
Our church is having an art show for Earth Day and I’m working in a collage fabric scrap mini quilt. I’m in the tricky finishing bits of my concept and gope to finish by the deadline. They keep asking for pictures! LOL like I am not frantically working on it. But here is the top.

I’m knitting mittens and crocheting cat balls from stash and some purchased.
But now the garden calls me…


That’s gorgeous! :heart_eyes:

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I have started turning a vintage tablecloth that belonged to TheMisterT’s grandmother (given to me by his aunt) into bags for each of we women in the family: my MIL and her sister (that aunt), my SIL and our 2 nieces, and one for me. Guess what - it’s mostly blue! YEY for getting in on one of the April Themes! That said, my stash of interfacing isn’t going to cut it. Do’h! But I think I might have just about everything else. I need to pop out to the stash storage to hunt for a coordinating accent color. Wish me luck!


Your quilted piece and card are so pretty @Abbeeroad!

That fabric collage is gorgous @marionberries, can’t wait to see a pic of the finished piece!

I made a swap thing for @Abbeeroad completely from stash. and a few more stash busting projects lined up. I’m going to visit family soon, so I’m a bit behind on tracking goals and pictures etc., but I’m very inspired by everyone posting in this thread :smile:


I did a blue project for the IYP! All from stash! I’ll post when my partner receives it!


Ohmygosh. You are an artiste! They are so lucky to have your work in their fundraiser. Amazing.

Blue: Hah I just finished another scrapbusting knit gift bag in blue (and neon yellow). Needs to be blocked to bring out the pattern more clearly but used up two odd balls of yarn in my stash.

Challenge 1: I feel like I’ve mostly detached myself from looking at my yarns as “special” in order to actually start using them. But there are two odd skeins of Malabrigo that I’ve been hoarding…

Challenge 2: Check in- I’m trucking away on using up my yarn stash. I’m to the point where I almost have gotten rid of my odd balls and one-skeins. My intentions for the future are to keep on keeping on, and make what sounds like fun and can bring joy to others.

@Abbeeroad That quilted piece looks so fun! I love your fabric choices and the white offsets everything beautifully!

@AIMR Bravo for getting rid of those scrap balls. There will inevitably be more in the future but you’re making space for a clearer head and calmer mind now. Great job!


I really need go get moving on selling one of my looms. I need the space it’s in to put some drawers by my easel as I’m desperately lacking on storage and flat surfaces to set things on given it’s a corner of the living room.

I think I know how much and where I’m going to list the loom but I’ve been dragging my feet on pulling everything together to take pics. I think I’ll make that a goal for this weekend.


Hang it on your wall!


I made myself a summer dress this morning, and wore it this afternoon!

Fabric from stash (though I bought it to make a summer dress, it has been at least two years, so I count it as stash.)
I traced a dress I love to make the pattern, but I think I’ll change the neckline, it’s not quite right for this fabric.


A whole different kind of “fast fashion!”


That’s amazing!

Currently suppressing the envy I feel for anyone that can make wearable garments from fabric. I have yet to make anything I am happy enough to wear :upside_down_face:


I decided that making jewelry is not my thing. Some 9 year old and her mother requested beads and jewelry making supplies on one of my FB groups…I think they will be happy with this stuff…another crafting goddess in the making, I hope!


That’s awesome!


Linda, this generosity is so heart warming :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: