2024 DeStash Along

I was very cross that they threw away my wisdom teeth. :cry:

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Oh, me too. I specifically asked for them. They were SO disrespectful.

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I don’t think it even occurred to me to ask, because why wouldn’t they give me back my teeth? I grew them myself & everything. :woman_facepalming:

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That tooth pillow is so cute!

I kept two of Delia’s puppy teeth (the two we found) and the molars that she had to have extracted a couple years ago. I keep thinking I will make a reliquary for them.

My SIL was a dentist who owned a practice. They were big on Halloween and everyone dressed up. One of her hygienists made a dark-ish tooth fairy costume including a choker made from real teeth! It was pretty dang cool and creepy on purpose.


Some bookmarks for the latest bookmark swap used up a little bit of stash!

They’re colored with markers and/or colored pencils. I would have liked to use more markers, but I didn’t have the right colors. :woman_shrugging:


Oh, but I love mine. It’s just perfect.

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Finally listing some things for sale, I hope this stuff moves quickly so we can have our living room back!

I think we’re going to go get some boxes tonight, there is a lot of stuff still to go.
Maybe if I make a little room I can actually get some sewing done :stuck_out_tongue:

ETA tapestry loom + stand & live-edge bench SOLD!
Also, drastically cut down the tins & “good boxes” collection.

Stamps, tape & stencils too, buh-buyyyeee


And I just sold another small loom and 33lb of yarn. I’m going to have so much free space!

(I still haven’t taken pics of one of my big looms to sell)


33 pounds of yarn!!!


Weaving yarn is sold by weight, most commonly 1/2 or 1lb tubes/cones. I don’t even want to think about how much yarn I still have :joy:


You guys are making so much progress @Magpie and @photojenn !!

I came here to tell I used all stash in a cross stitch swap but all of that material together is maybe an ounce…


Don’t worry I also bought a bunch of paint and canvases :joy:

My destashing is mainly to rehome the things I don’t use/want anymore to make room for my current interests.


I used stash for this piece and it really didn’t reduce much, but having the stash made this possible. Can’t live without stash.


Same :laughing: I think it might more decades than I have left to get through all the embroidery stuff at this rate …


Yeah, I have nearly a cubic foot of embroidery floss and crewel yarns. That doesn’t include any fabric, hoops, or patterns. Doesn’t sound like much, but that’s an entire cubby, 1/30th of my total storage space.
how do I even begin to reduce it?


Weaving? I have my gran’s. I love it tho


There’s an old weavers joke that everyone starts weaving to reduce their knitting yarn stash then proceeds to purchase a ton of weaving yarn.


I almost never buy embroidery floss because I have so many deceased people’s stash… it doesn’t take up that much space though. Four or five boxes full of bobbins and a small drawer of fabric. I hardly ever buy supplies at all and I stitch a lot.


This is where I find myself. I love being able to use stash for things I make - that I can wonder into my craft closet or the shelves in the shop to find something that will work or even that will be just right for a project. And still I need less stuff in the closet and on the shelves in the shop. So often even a stash-busting-specific project doesn’t really make a difference in the overall volume - like allllll those napkins I made in March (43, double-sided) didn’t really change my fabric stash. I really may have to take up old-fashioned scrap quilting to really make a difference there.


I think we need to embrace the fact that many of us craft as we are inspired. When I see something or need something to make, it feels great to think about what I have on hand that I can use. It starts the creative process. I don’t consider basic supplies to be stash that I need to destash…things like fabrics for lining or using to back quilts, mugrugs, etc. I always have a stash of “neutral” fabrics.

For me, the destash has to be fabrics that I bought with no specific project in mind but no longer like or want the fabric (such as novelty prints, etc.). Same with yarn…I am almost at the point where all I have are supplies and things I have purchased for specific projects. Some types of fabric will always be available to me for inspired projects, especially Halloween and holiday fabrics.

I also can’t imagine my life without a “stash”.