2024 DeStash Along

How’s it going? I’m looking at a total reorg too. The set up just isn’t working for me as is.


I’m going to jump in the destash-along! My list of destashing goals is less supply-oriented and more directed towards pulling out old projects I had the idea for and never executed or completed. I’m currently working on slippers from felted recycled sweaters (and my feet will be cold until I finish). I know there’s some collaging I have on a list, some embroidery and cross stitch patterns I’ve even printed on transfer paper and then ignored, and a t-shirt skirt idea. I’ll get some pictures together as soon as I can, but for now I’m putting these into the ether to help hold myself accountable. :sweat_smile:

Other projects will come up as I slowly dig through the closet and boxes I’ve hidden them in. The plus side is I decided that for every 10 old projects I complete, I will splurge on a chocolate treat of some kind. I already have 3 projects!

  1. A collage bookmark

  2. A knit hat with bird silhouette colorwork

  3. A rag rug made with latch-hooked t-shirt yarn

I’ll try to get these posted and put the links here soon.


I never thought about putting all of the UFOs and WIPs on my destash list! I love your idea of giving a goal with a reward at the end! I have so many, so I think I will reward myself after every 5 finishes or “given up” projects. I really do need to evaluate why I have not finished the project…it might be time to let it go!


I added something new, that I think will make it easier to destash.

I bought the shelf unit at goodwill for $5; the paint and decoupage napkins were all from stash.

Storage for all my jars of beads and buttons and stuff.

Now I can go through them and move along what Im really never going to need, like a pound of old coat buttons in black and brown.

That will leave more space on the shelves, maybe enough to store the contents of that plastic drawer unit next to it, if I destash the paper, jewelry findings, and…what is in that top drawer, anyway?

Then I can move the stuff from the cardboard boxes (already sorted and reduced by 50%) under the table into the drawers…

THEN I’ll have enough room to put my feet under the table!


That looks awesome! Your beautiful new shelving unit works great! I have been saving up plastic containers like this to use in my bookcase…just wish my cats ate more treats so I can get them quicker…ha ha.

Looks like you have plenty of supplies to craft for a long, long time!


I crocheted a basket for my socks using stash yarn:

And finished a wonky quilt made from 99% stash (I had to buy thread):


I also visited my local yarnworkers group and brought them a box of all the blanket squares I made last year. I enjoyed making them, but it’s nice to have them out of the house!


Our yarn group collects squares for Pineridge (?). I keep forgetting to take them to our monthly meeting! That would be a big destash for me!

I love your sock basket!


I am destashing some of the yarn I bought for my 2023 temperature blanket that a) was too ambitious, b) probably to big and c) was going to end up too expensive. I still want to do a temperature project… maybe I will do a temperature snake

I have made nine of these squares and will turn them into a cushion for my husband’s aunty.


Those are lovely! I loved that temperature snake!

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Thanks so much for the prompts @Trillian, and thanks for all the inspiration everybody! I don’t post on this thread very often, but I do always find it inspirational and motivating.

Great way to rethink and make use of a previous project @mellybelly81, I think I need to take a leaf out of your book :sunflower:

I did a smallish destash project from the January prompts yesterday - a project for My Craft Space. This wooden wine box seemed a good size to store art supplies. It had a business logo stamped on the front (no before pic), which I didn’t love. Add a precut piece of 6x6 paper, some chipboard stickers, and a good amount of matte medium …

It’s full of coloured pencils and doubles as a motivational poster standing on my art shelves :smiley_cat:

I also made a start on Challenge 2: Take stock of your stash. I decided to tackle the spare room that is the primary (out of sight) storage for all the sewing stuff and some of the painting, papercraft, and printmaking stuff. Most of my house does not look like this, but this is the room of shame lol. I think I can be honest with you guys!

After some reflection and serious consideration, my initial assessment is … aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhh!!


I’m so relieved to see I’m not the only one that has a room of shame! Mine is like a giant junk drawer. I love that quote on your box.


This except it’s treasure, not junk! It just looks like junk because of how I have it spread around! :rofl:


Love the remake! Very inspiring and practical as well!

I might have a few rooms that look like that…I consider it an exploratory adventure…never know what I am going to find! ha ha ha


Haha, I’m very glad to know I’m not alone in this. I knew you guys would understand! :smile_cat:


(…is it bad that I look at those pictures and think, “Well, my mess is denser than your mess!” :laughing:)


Only on this forum can that statement be seen as competitive in a good way! :rofl:


It still looks very organized and neat.


Ahahaha! :laughing: In my defence, I’ve only lived here 18 months.

(making note to self to work harder on packing in stash … more density … lol)


I mean, piles with space between do make it easier to move things around when you have to find something on the bottom… :laughing: (I reorganized & cleared half my craft room before Christmas, but the second half is still a giant mess.)


I was very disciplined and spent several hours working my way through part of the room yesterday. I think one of my biggest challenges is shuffling stuff instead of dealing with it. So I clear part of a room, but then the other side of the room, or another room, ends up with a big messy pile of things. It’s definitely a slow, iterative process for me, rather than one-time sorted. I think I’m making progress though - I unearthed some old WIPS, and let go of a few, and packed a box for the op shop.

So. Many. WIPs.