50 Projects, More or Less, 2024

Boooo. That’s no fun!

He is sort of a minimalist in style while I am the opposite. Fortunately, he doesn’t really care what I do in my craft room. He sets up the kitchen the way he likes and his den. We compromise on the living/dining and primary bedroom. I already told him the guest room is going to be a throwback to the 70s (I want to recreate my teenage bedroom that I loved so much…ha…flower power!)


Rebuilding and expanding our deck has been a HUGE time suck. Absolutely a worthwhile project, even though so far it’s been mostly unenjoyable. Part of what’s not fun is it leaves little time and no energy for other (more) creative projects. That said, I did hit 70 projects last week with the throw pillows I recovered for the new deck furniture! I have another, from-scratch, throw pillow in-progress, too. YEY!


I haven’t had a chance to do any kind of crafting since June!

This is my first “crafting” project since we moved in…a small one, but at least it is a move toward more crafting as I get settled!

I am working on getting my guest room set up. It is small so everything in it needs to be just as I envision it. My style is Boho but modern. I had these two lamps when I was living at the beach and had a much more minimalist beachy look for that room. They were fine, but I felt like they needed something.

I dug through my trims stash and found something I thought would work, so I used Fabric Fushion glue and glued on the trim. I didn’t have enough to go around the top, so I will leave them for now, but might add a coordinating trim later. At least it is a project! ha



Yeah…they are two different lamps…I just forgot to take a before picture…they are both done now but I will wait until I finish the room to take more pictures.


From great stashes come great projects… of all sizes!


And I was worried I was running out of ideas. Just looked at my To Craft list. :laughing:


lol I did the same…trying to find stuff I could do with what I had available…looks like embroidery is top on the list since I found all the supplies!


I’m taking part more for the tracking than a numerical goal, but I’ve officially hit 50 projects!


I hit 79 projects yesterday, by finishing my deck! It’s not really a “craft” but I sure as hell made it, so I am counting it here, even though I didn’t make a topic for it. It took most of my crafting time and energy since the beginning of July, so I am going to share pics here! (I’ve been sharing all along in the Home Deocr and Renovation Craftalong)




Now, there are still things to accomplish on this, but I am considering the deck proper complete. I will do stair rails and a gate in the coming weeks. Next year, I hope to skirt it for a more finished look.


If people who construct things are called craftsmen, then I think it counts as a craft. It looks wonderful!!! It’s such a gorgeous space.


Incredible! What a fantastic improvement to your house.

THANKS @tendstowardschaos @jemimah We really think it’s added to our curb appeal and it’s about kind of approximately an additional 30% of living space.


Looks lovely also, I like the skeleton just chillin there :joy:

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I think this may be the least productive time I have ever had aside from that first year of lock down when I simply felt lost all the time. Life and work have just been too busy. But I made some things that were all fun and turned out good, and I know I went to a few collage nights and cooked a whole bunch so I’m calling it a win.
Always grateful for this topic to have a chance to reflect on the crafty accomplishments.


I finally updated my list for the first time since June or so, and I think I might actually make it to 50 projects this year!

Sidenote - Do people have a way of keeping track of projects besides our lists here? I’d love to know how others are keeping this sort of thing organized.


I have a digital post-it note on my computer. It has a running tally of my want-to-makes, WIPs, and completed projects. It’s the only list I actually remember to update because it’s right in front of me. But, I hit 50+ last week!


I know I’ve made it to over 50 projects this year, but my tracking is not working for me either, so I’d also like to see what others are doing. I have a project notebook with plans, sorted into categories, etc. etc., and I have started a simple little notebook to just list projects as I finish them … and I still haven’t found a method that works well for me. Congrats on nearly getting to 50!

… and congrats on 50 @tendstowardschaos!

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I tried a lot of lists, computer photo folders, saving shipping labels & received envelopes, etc etc but none of that was satisfying or fun enough to stick. Honestly, it was giving me stress & I started to wonder why I was even doing that when crafting is where I go to destress. So I decided to just give the tracking up, except for this topic, which I find quite fun & look forward to every year.
I’m sure I didn’t add everything this year and I’ve had to move things out of my studio to address a leak :expressionless:
But I may try to sew upstairs, so there could be an item or two still to add.


I hit 100 today! It’s not infrequent for me to hit 100, but I didn’t think I would this year since I had expected to do a few bigger projects. And even though I only did one big project - building the new deck - it took WAY longer than I thought it would. I have at least one more to complete before Christmas, but can’t imagine I wouldn’t be making something else in the next 16 days, even with a puppy and the holidays.


That is terrific!! I am going to be lucky to make the 50, but I am grateful to just be crafting again after my year of life challenges!

Your deck was a fabulous and fun project to watch from beginning to end…I find myself a lot more interested in these long term projects and we have had a few this year…I love seeing the progress pictures and feel the excitement as each step gets done… @photojenn 's studio; @marionberries ’ closet/bedroom makeover, @Immaculata whole house remodeling, etc. All fabulously interesting!