50 Projects or Bust! 2025

I like it!! And no one knows you didn’t make a ruffled blanket on purpose! Ruffles are totally back in fashion.


@Kwality570 didn’t you get a laser cutter last year (or did I make that up?). If so, have you been doing a lot with it? I’m so curious to see all those projects, so I really hope you do participate in the Craftalong, or at least make posts for all of your fun lasered goodness :wink:.


Oh I love this idea. I’ll try to draw up my card the next couple of days.

So I have to finish the craft within the month the numbers are called to check the box?

Do things like “organizing my workshop” count, too?

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Nope–you can finish them and cross them off anytime, but someone could WIPGO in the meantime. Once someone wins, you can start a new card with finished projects taken off. But, until someone wins, you can work on the called numbers for each month.

Technically, it would take a very lucky person to WIPGO with just 4 numbers called and the free spot, but it could happen!

To be honest, we are sort of playing it by ear…and yes, any craft related activity from organizing your space to cooking a delicious treat counts! You control your list however you need it to reach a goal of 50 or more! Some projects are HUGE…some people count each step, ie. painting my craft room, while others count the finished room…up to you…welcome aboard to the fun!

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Thank you so much @AIMR for doing the WIPGO I need to make my card, but it’s such a great idea xx


I am happy to be doing this and QUILTGO!


Me too! It might break through some of my procrastination


ok–blocking helped a little, but rolling it up and attaching a stuffie helped more…I gave a purple one to her for her 1st birthday that had a cat and now she has the lamb…I think I have a pink one as well that has a bunny


Gosh, that’s cute.

Thanks…I bought several kits when they were on sale on the DMC site. All the patterns were knit, but I prefer crochet for blankets so I had to sort of find stitches and make my own patterns. I learned a lesson, though…I really don’t care for the supplies that come with kits. On the other hand, they are not precious so I donate them or give them away to be used.

However…something like my mom crocheted, will go on forever…this is a 60 year old tablecloth she made and it is still being used! I just had to mend it a bit and take out some stains.


So adorable!!


This is my WIPGO

Very little of it is quick! But it might concentrate the mind :grin:


Actually, your card is an art project in itself! You can use it later for collage…lovely and probably going to steal the idea…


Steal away sweetie, it’s in my notebook, so there it will stay. I’m trying to keep all my art and craft stuff in my notebook.


@AIMR I’ve a question about the WIPGO since you’re the judge Judy of this thread. Some of my wipgo things are not complete projects, but stages in projects, but this thread is about completing projects. What’s your ruling? Are they allowable?


It doesn’t have to be a completed project as this is suppose to be about just working on things with the aim of staying creative in the chaos of life.

If you are talking about the thread, it is whatever you need to count it toward your 50. Some of us aren’t going to finish a quilt, for instance, but getting the quilt top done this year might count toward our 50.

I would say for larger project, each step towards complete can be counted because who knows how long it might take for some reason or another.

For the WIPGO, I am going to say that each step towards completing a larger project can count…painting walls, finishing closets, adding a railing, etc. But smaller projects should be complete ones as we don’t want this to only be about creating more WIPS!

I know this is a bit vague, but it is for YOU to help clear those WIPS however you can. If doing sections helps towards that goal, great!


That’s great thanks. I did one of the WIPGO prompts tonight, and then felt guilty because it wasn’t a completed thing, it’s just brought me to about 1/3 completed. I just had down to make 10 blocks-i made 11.

But the great thing is that I had completely forgotten about this project, so the task of making the WIPGO card brought it to light, and it will get finished eventually. it’s also rekindled a bit of sewing mojo, which was absent.

My new blocks, they are 6" improv blocks, this brings me to 28. I think I’ll need 48 or 56 in total.


I am also going to use the WIPGO for ongoing projects that take some time to get done…doing them in blocks is much more underwhelming than doing the whole quilt! I have the attention span of a gnat these days.


I like the idea of bite sized challenges! I’m more likely to even do anything at all if it’s just a chunk, any more feels so daunting at this time.


It’s easier, because then you can over deliver if it’s catching your attention. And it’s less daunting than one huge thing.