Art Journaling Craftalong - 2021

I had a lot of trouble with mod podge on different surfaces - either not drying properly, or not staying stuck. I’ve been using Liquitex matte medium, and love it, it seems to stick really well, and I like the matte surface for drawing and painting on top of. Once it’s dry, it seems to handle water and paint on top of it with no problem. It is more expensive of course, so I use glue sticks and other glues for some things (cards, little experiments), but I think Liquitex makes me much happier while I’m working on things I spend a lot of time with.


I meant to add that I prefer Collage Pauge also. It dries fast and is matte.

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Thanks guys :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: It’s nice to hear what other people like and why :slight_smile: I have quite the supply of mod podge right now but may look into something different when that runs low :wink:

I had family over for the weekend with the request of “doing some art” from my 6.5 year old niece as one of the activities to fill our time. I thought introducing her to book altering and art journaling might be a fun and messy project for both her and her folks. In preparation for our art time, I picked up a few kids books that were in a free box from one of my neighbors, got her a cheapy art set, picked up a bunch of stickers and saved a few catalogs for cutting. This ended up being a great activity! She picked one of the free books to be her journal, and then we used the rest for collage fodder. The only down side is that she really wanted blank pages, so she used the front and back pages, and then I tipped in some additional pages she made separately. Her parents also had a great time - I think they may have enjoyed it more than the niece did, ha! They ended up working on their own journal pages (I had hand-made some plain journals a few years ago that I gifted them to use as their base book) over the course of the afternoon.

I didn’t take pics of their work, but here is what I made. My niece wrote “time for art” as a not-at-all-subtle hint she was ready to start crafting on Saturday morning, so I integrated it into my page. The image and words are from one of the kids book we cut up, and the mushrooms are one of the stickers. This is in a 1960s college engineering textbook.


That is so cool!! And here the parents thought it would just be something to keep their kid occupied, only to find out how fun it can be for them, too! Way to teach everybody, Auntie!

I misread, given the context and my tiny screen, and thought you said it was a “collage engineering” book…Well, now it is! :grinning:


Sounds like a wonderful family activity! :heart: I love that you included your niece’s writing into your page

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How fun. That’s great the parents were into it too!

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Anyone up for art journaling Sunday? She uses a stamp for the face but I think I will sketch one on tracing paper or tissue paper to use.

Sunday august 15 at 2pm eastern time

  • I’m in
  • Not this time
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I won’t be free at that time but might try something on my own :slight_smile: (I still haven’t had success with stencils :sob:)

Maybe, baby. It’s early for me but I’m usually up by then. I have 2 online classes to finish for my school, but I’ll see if I can whiz thru them this week…

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So I get the best results using stencils with those triangular makeup sponges. I lightly dab the sponge in paint and then press it on the scrap paper that I work on top of to make sure it’s not too wet/squishy. Then I lightly dab the sponge over the stencil.


Yes! I will be there. Hey @Bel, art journal session coming up :grinning:


I’ll try that next time I want to try! Thanks :slight_smile:

Boo…I will be at the shore. Hopefully things settle down a bit for me this fall. I am missing the zooms, and really like this page!

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I want to sit in on a session and figure this journaling thing out but this Sunday we are visiting grand daughter 1.

I hope you can join sometime! We watch the video and pause throughout so people can craft along. A 15-30 min video usually ends up being a 1.5-2 hour zoom. I watch the video beforehand on 2x speed so I can get a sense for what we will be making and I can pull out all of the supplies I’ll need before we start.


I think I might try drawing a face as well. I dug up these old posts of yours with helpful links on how to draw faces (not sure if these videos are linked else where, maybe we could add them to the resources at the top?).

Sketch a simple girl’s face

Dina Wakely - How to draw artistic faces


I linked them in the first post!

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I love that Dina video (just watched it now) lucky I have some handy gelli printst to draw on tonight :wink:

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My journals from Ex Libris Anonymous got here today!!!

Check out the packing materials!!! :heart_eyes:

Strips from book pages and hardcover spines :grin: You know I’ll have to find something cool to do with these!

Oh, and the journals are cool too :wink:

The larger one was a library book and there are stamps from people checking it out from 1963 - 1986. These are seriously cool and so worth the money :heart: White paper inside with pages from the book mixed in. So awesome!

ok… please return to your regularly scheduled craftalong :wink: