Batik HST Exploding Star Quilt

I made this quilt for my DS1’s school fundraising auction.

It’s a half-square triangle 8-point star quilt. It’s laid out so that there’s a color change from green to blue to violet, like a dying star shedding it’s gaseous layers (nebulae are so cool). To make it twin-sized, I added a double border of the backing fabric and a coordinating marbled print. The quilting is a free-motion pebble pattern. I love the texture of this pattern.

I should have had it done sooner (working with a deadline), but my sewing machine decided it needed a tune-up in the middle of quilting. So, my old machine went into the shop, I bought a new machine, and ripped out all the bad stitching. I finally got it all fixed and finished this morning…Hopefully in time to still donate it.

In process:


Wowza…your quilt is spectacular!
That free-motion pebble pattern adds so much texture…love it!


It turned out lovely…but to work under such a deadline must have been nuts!

Do you use a template for your free motion? I am trying to figure out how you got such a tight and even pattern…it is wonderful…


This is beautiful!! Whoever wins this is going to be one lucky bidder!

I am so impressed by your free motion pebbles, it adds such a nice texture to the quilt. I can’t even imagine how you managed to get all those circles on such a large quilt.

It sounds like something good came out of your old machine needing a tune up. What kind of new machine did you get?


Thank you! No, the pebbles are pretty easy to ‘draw’ because I can vary the size and shape as necessary. I just sort of build it up row by row.


Absolutely stunning!

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Thank you so much!

I ended up getting a Brother CS6000i. It is set up really well for quilting and came with all the extras necessary for it. I’m actually pretty impressed with this machine.


This is really spectacular! Love how you did the colors.

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This is beautiful! That you did all the quilting freehand is amazing. I’ve been wanting to try it but I’m nervous I won’t like the outcome.

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Exploding star is right! It’s an explosion of color and awesomeness!


OOO pretty. I love the colors and the explosion from the center. Beautiful fabrics.


Beautiful! Love the colors and way you put them together. Quilting is lovely as well.


Whooooaaaa! I feel like I am currently embodying that “Take my money!” meme. WOW! I would break the bank bidding on that at auction, it is SPECTACULAR!


This is just beautiful! I really like the colours - they give the star the effect of actually shining.


A truly stellar quilt! The successful bidder will be very happy to win this.

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It is so beautiful.

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The colours are really pretty, and fit so nicely together :smiley: Great job

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Gorgeous quilt, but that next-to-last picture with the green & teal is just amazing. :green_heart:

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Thanks, everyone!

I wasn’t too late to donate, and handed off the quilt last night to one of the ladies organizing the auction. Woohoo!

Just start with a tiny quilt sandwich. When I started FMQ, I just made a bunch of squares, a different design in each, to get a feel for it. I turned the squares into a little quilt for my cat, but they’d have made cute coasters, too. Love it or hate it, you’re not out much but a few scraps and a bit of time.


Wow, that is one amazing and beautiful quilt! Your quilting is out of this world :wink: Great work, really!!


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