Bedtime Defender Monsters

I have been making monsters lately. Back in 2017, I made Sir REM for my niece. She was afraid of monsters under her bed, and I created REM to defend her while she sleeps. You just place your special monster on the floor, and all the bad monsters will stay away. If they DO try to come for you, you don’t have to worry because your monster will save you!

I recently found a bunch of Fun Fur yarn a our local ReCraft store (an amazing thrift store that is all craft supply related). I got a total of 43 skeins of eyelash yarn for $2 per pound, so for about $10 total. I started making more monsters with it, and I am having so much fun! I even learned how to needle felt for this!

I am posting these in order of my favorites, and not in the order I created them. Because the first of this batch of monsters is kind of terrifying, and I don’t want that to be the first thing you see. :rofl: You’ll understand when you get to it :laughing:

My favorite of the bunch (which I gave to @QueenHobo for her help felting the pot to the next monster I’ll share) is this yellow Dame REM. My sister has named her Hellena Hornby, or Hell for short. I spent several hours trying to find a good horn pattern for the monster. In the end, I found a video that showed how to make the horns curl, but had to write up my own pattern for the horns. I love how they turned out. :hearts:

Next up is Beryl the Barrel Cactus monster. I asked Mr SBC to choose a color for me to work with, and he picked out this green. It’s his favorite color. He suggested I make a cactus monster with it, and this is what I came up with. I made everything but the pot. After I finished with the green fuzzy top half, my sister (QueenHobo) felted/shaped the pot with polyfil and then felted over the top of that with the orange for me. After I got that back from her, I put all of the decorations, the flower, and the face onto the monster. I also love how this one turned out.

This one I haven’t given a name to yet, but it looks like some kind of raspberry swirl sorbet to me. So with a few suggestions from my sister, I made a little vine and some raspberries to put on her head as a crown. I used a free pattern I found for Maleficent horns on Ravelry for this one. I accidently put the horns on the wrong way, but decided to embrace the mistake and left it. I added ears because it felt incomplete without them. I also did the eyes differently in this one after my sister sent me a photo of a monster with eyes similar to these. I like the look of this eye a lot more.

This monster I keep referring to as Bat Cat. He’s not perfect, but it was only my second felting attempt ever, so I’m happy with how it turned out. It was much better than my first felting attempt (I feel like I’m building up some kind of fear here. Maybe you should be afraid of the scary monster… It’s pretty creepy).

For this monster, I made decided to go with a raindrop shape because of the blue color. I love his goofy grin. He makes me happy :slight_smile:

This penultimate monster was the third one I made. I gave him a tail, but it kept making him fall over. I had to do some creative “surgery” to get his tail to not touch the floor so much, and now it stands up just fine. We can’t have a monster falling down on the job!

Finally, we have the first monster I made. I had just the body with me when I went to my parents house one day. My sister was meeting me there to teach me how to needle felt. My five year old niece wanted it sooooooo badly, so I said I’d give it to her once it was finished. I asked her what she wanted the face to look like, and that is how we ended up with this monstrosity… I think her lips look like a hamburger, so I keep referring to her as Hamburger Lips. I suggested the name Burger Meister Meister Burger to my niece, but she insisted we name it Pinky. (Hilarious side note; While texting with @Smeddley, she agreed it was creepy, and said that “Pinky is too cutesy of a name for that thing.” And I one billion percent agree with her :rofl:)

And because I don’t want to leave you with that terrifying thing, here is the original Sir REM:


These are so much fun! I love how much personality each one has.


These are so great. I’m quite partial to Beryl.

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These are incredible! I especially love that pink one.

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How wonderful! I love the raspberry one… and the goofy drop… well, all of them! I even like the so-called creepy one.

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Oh these just got better and better as the post went on. I love the concept, too!

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I just love these so much, they all have such personalities! The pink horns are amazing!

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Magnificent Monstrosities! They look so cuddly, but not too cuddly. Like they really could keep the monsters under the bed (or in the closet) under control. I hope that there are quite a few more waiting to emerge from that ReCraft store haul!

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Love these little monsters!

We just cleaned under the bed and found a huge monster nest of dust, cat hair, and debris! I think we need one of these!


Aw, they are adorable! I especially love BatCat with the little toe beans. Wow, crafting with that fun fur stuff can be a nightmare, are you using just that or adding a strand of regular yarn with it?

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I pair it with a strand of worsted weight yarn, and I also have the backside showing. The furry bits show better on that side.


My monster loving heart definitely LOVES these! So great! Those curly horns on the first one are tooooo cute!


These are fantastic! What a great idea! I especially like the goofy blue raindrop, but they’re all brilliant!

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These are all just fabulous!! You are so very talented.
And I love the idea of a kid being able to have a monster to defend them at night.
And I’ve never seen needle felting attached to fun fur…. Do you have to use any adhesive?

Nope! I just felted right onto the monster! I use stencils to help keep my work more even.


oh wow!
the stencils are a great idea!
thanks for the action shot

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:space_invader: :sparkling_heart: :troll: Congratulations! Your sweet, brave, and utterly unique little Bedtime Defender Monsters are a Featured Project this week! :troll: :sparkling_heart: :space_invader:


I think Pinky is cute, nothing creepy about her at all.

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Thank you so much!

These are ALL so fantastic! My faves are the one with the horns and the raspberry one. So freaking cute!

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