It’s a mash-up of the actual theme of the song (astronaut) and the fact that my introduction to it was as the S1 theme song to Ed (big city lawyer moves home & buys a bowling alley).
I think I just sort of reversed/spoonerized “meatballs,” expecting it to be nonsensical. When I realized that was “beet malls” . . . well, I couldn’t let it go .
And for the sake of this ATC, I for one am so glad that’s the direction you went because this is indeed, very entertaining .
I love the background on the bowling ball card and the texture on the bowling ball really draws my eye. It’s makes for a great foreground piece!
Also, very catchy post title .
Thanks so much, everyone! I think these are some of my favorites that I’ve made recently.
Thank you for saying that, because it didn’t quite work out like I’d envisioned.
I had a lot of fun with that. I toyed around coming up with a third punny one, but they were all too-far stretches. And ultimately it was funnier to me that even beets just have regular old Claire’s.