Bookish Ghostie 4x6

I made a 4x6 piece for the Craft This In Your Style October challenge (reference image). I swear the edges are straight; the background is just bowing, and I didn’t bother to weight it down for the photo.


My jumping off point was the realization that BOO was almost BOOKS. Books led to the hipster glasses, which of course begat the plaid. My original plan was to do the background or maybe the stars/moon in red plaid, but when I found a white plaid image in my stash, the way forward was obvious. Thanks for looking!


So cute, and it’s fun reading the background story for your project!


This is so much fun. Its a fantastic interpretation. Love the change to books, and the glasses!


What a fun interpretation! I like the use of the plaid for the ghost, that was definitely the way to go!

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This is so adorable! Love its bookish vibe. And the fabrics look great together.

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It’s actually all paper! Although I guess the plaid is sort of fabric in that it’s from a magazine article about jackets.


Oh, wow! Would have sworn it was fabric.
Looks very cool!

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Cool interpretation and very nicely done!
I was also thinking books when I saw the challenge image (but then, I’m a bit of a bookworm, I’m always thinking about books :smile:)


This turned out really really cute!

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BOOks! I love it! The glasses are especially cute! Although I guess I had assumed I’d be haunting my people with no need for mine. Shoot. :crazy_face:

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I love this little guy so much!

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Thanks, everyone!

Maybe some ghosts only need their glasses for reading?