Challenge chain, for fun and to get us out of our corona slump

Ok, I guess I’m the only one counting out “Today in Isolation Bingo we crossed off…”

New prompt: Rain!

I’ll take rain! I still have to make bright spot too, so that’s a good balance :smile_cat:

My next challenge is earth - planet earth, earth colours, earth day, pottery …

Edit: thank you for covering “Earth”.

I offer the challenge of self-care!

Something to care for yourself! Examples: make yourself a favourite food or bake a treat, bath bombs or lip balms, socks or a shawl, a mug rug for a warm drink, a journal page or a paper craft, something mindful or meditative in process for you (zone out, get into a good place) like a zentangle or a painting.

I claim self-care, which will also cover earth.

I will complete my 5-yard everyday quilt top (for me!!) I give myself a week (maybe 2 depending on when I can sew). All pieces are cut!

I had fun making this for my color in a box partner , so I challenge: weird animals.

I claim “weird animals!”

I’m not sure how long it will take because I’ll be away from most of my supplies for a bit. I’ll have to see what I can take with me. I’m going to attempt an embroidery… or maybe a paper cut piece of a soon to be determined weird animal.

My challenge is square!


I’ll take square! I need to make some more TM patches. :slight_smile:
My challenge is… MYSTERY. I’ve been binge watching cozy mysteries during this quarantine, but you can interpret the prompt however you like!


Oooh! Ooh! Me! Me! :raising_hand_woman:

I want mystery!!! Yay!!! I’ll give myself 3 days to come up with something fun.

And for my challenge, I’ll go with fandom mashup! Choose 2 (or more!) favorite fandoms and mess with them a bit! Like a borg Yoda or Link wearing a Bob’s Burgers t-shirt. Maybe a zombie Hermione driving the Batmobile. (Yeah that last one may have crossed the line… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


I will do a fandom mashup, awesome idea.
Will be done by tomorrow, as I need something to keep me ocupied this evening.

My challenge is favorite thing about spring.

I’m jumping back in to claim a favorite thing about Spring… There are so many! The incredible amount and shades of green that fill in the deciduous trees all around me are what I’ve decided on. :green_heart:
So I’m going to try out a new masterboard/art-journal/mixed-media background technique using green and possibly some pressed plants. I’ll get it done by tomorrow.

New challenge: inspired by a song. Includes following someone else’s pattern that they named after a song.

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I’ll take inspired by a song.

Next challenge good omens.

I’ll take good omens. I give myself 3 days.

It’s thundering here, so…
My challenge: thunderstorms or a perfect storm.

So, my thunderstorm/perfect storm challenge seems to have stalled us, so let’s go with: crazy hair.

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I’ll go with CRAZY HAIR. I’ll make some kind of natural hair/scalp treatment for my crazy-haired self out of supplies in my kitchen. I’ll do that by Saturday.

Next challenge: USE IT ALL UP. Run out of something in your supply stash or pantry that you can happily live without for a while.

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Ah man, I just used up all the flannel to make tushie towels. Well, I have plenty of other stuff to use up so I’ll take this challenge.

My proposal is something sparkly, bonus points if it isn’t eco-destroying glitter!

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I’ll take something sparkly! I’ll have it done by Sunday, I believe.

My challenge will be movies! I miss my frequent movie dates with my hubby and/or kiddos! So I’d love to see either: 1) something based on your favorite movie, 2) propose a movie you’d like to see made, and create a movie poster for it, 3) share a recipe for a treat to enjoy during a movie, or 4) get really crazy and make a fun video you can share with us! :smiley: But I’m not picky, honestly… make whatever floats your boat even if it’s not one of my ideas. :wink:

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I’ll take movies! Not sure what I’ll do yet, but I’ll give myself a week.

My challenge is chain.

Challenge accepted, I’ll take chain.

I’m going to make … something ATC or small mixed media-ish.

New challenge: GOOGLY EYES

Edit: I’ll give myself two days.

Ok, claiming googlie eyes!!

My child suggests paper for the next challenge theme

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I’ll take paper
Something origami
Within this week

My challenge … The colour ORANGE

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I’ll take orange.

It might take a while to get supplies together but it will be done!

My challenge- your favourite animal.