This is how it works, I am starting the chain, so I will post a challenge topic eg spring flowers If you want to specify a medium or give more direction, then do so, but try and leave it open enough so that anyone can do it.
If it is something you want to do, then do the following:
post in the chain and claim that topic. I am claiming @edel spring flowers
Say what you intend to make, I am going to do a water colour ATC
how long you are giving yourself to complete it, it should only be a day or two **Two days **
If you are first to claim a challenge, then you get create a new challenge my challenge is sunsets
If you aren’t first to claim the challenge, you can still do it anyway. Post completed challenges in this board completed challenges and chat go here and tag the challenger.
If the thread stalls for more than two days, the challenger should post a second challenge, there is no limit on claiming, but please no back to back claiming, give everyone a chance to play.
remember this is just for fun. To help us make quick and simple little prompts to get out of the corona funk that so many of us are experiencing.
Your challenge should you chose to accept it is