What a cheerful piece!
That piece makes me smile!
That is so cute!!!
I love those happy colors! And elephants always bring a smile…
It came out so cute!
@Immaculata Your little elephant is adorable and charming!
I just keep adding to my original post and have now finished 31 projects! I’m sure I’ll have times of way lower productivity, but I’m kind of astonished. Of course the paper projects go pretty quickly so when my creative attentions shift focus to whatever is next.
Get out! Those are just too much! I love them!
I got a little bit waylayed on my 50 list, but I’m back in action! I have been in a bit of a crafting slump; without swapping I have to make myself craft and that’s not as easy as I had thought! Plus, I can’t access LC at work, but now that I’m home, I will be in front of a computer and will be able to check it more often.
And it was totally worth the wait! I love the beautiful wood. I also love the way the pop of purple from your plant looks with the bare wood. So cool.
50 already!?! I need to do some catching up, for sure!
That elephant is soooo cute! I love the color scheme too. Very bright and happy for sure.
Those onesies are adorable! I’m definitely behind on my 50 as well, but there’s plenty of time to catch up!
Thank you! I need to add more bite sized, easy to complete projects to my list!
I’m looking forward to seeing your completed projects, it’ll be good to see you on more often!
Yeah. I get that. I’m working on knitting myself a sweater right now, so I’m pretty sure that’s part of what stalled me! After this is done, I have promised myself a break on big knitting items, but we’ll see if that happens.
I like having a long term project like the shawl I am doing and then some medium and some small and fast…it feels like I get a lot more done and it keeps my attention.
Right now, I have a painting for my sister, my shawl, and a baby blanket as big projects.
Small things like making bookmarks or notecards are fast and feel like I get things done.
I made this Crafts for Lettuce merit badge for a personal swap.
Such a pretty background for it!
I’m not into Dr. Who, but this is cool!
I love Dr. Who and think it is fabulous! What a good job you did embellishing that awesome background fabric!
I have 4 of the doctors embroidered and just need to finish the rest for my Dr. Who quilt!!!
What fun small projects!
I haven’t been doing a ton lately. Spent most of the week cleaning my bedroom so that was a lot of work (I am not a neat person). But today I got some scrunches made with the hope that school will reopen in April/May to give them to the students I have. I also got a bunch of fabrics together for a quilt along on the Gudruns quilt crew group on fab ebook.
Wow…those are lovely fabrics for a quilt!
Thank you! Yellow isn’t my favorite color but I really like bees so I tend to buy all the bee fabric I can. But these are pretty together I thought.
Those bees do look lovely with those fabrics @poetrylover828! Also what dimensions do you use for your scrunchies? I haven’t found a good pattern yet.
Love that hoop @geekgirl!