I do about 4.5 inches by about 20 inches. So a fat eighth cut on the shorter side. The elastic is probably about 6-8 inches long and I knot mine three times rather than stitch the ends.
I finally finished my Ohio State quilt!
Made a little Mushroom Bunting…needed something to cheer me up and take my mind off things…mushrooms make me smile!
I did the Gudrun’s quarantine quilt along yesterday. It was fun I did the lap size so it’s nice and big. Also my bees look very cute! I took a close up of a couple of the blocks as well.
holy cow! You just posted the fabrics and now this?!!! already?!!!
What an interesting pattern…and seeing all of the fabrics together is really nice…such elegant fabric…love the bee hives…
What an interesting pattern!
Thanks! I wasn’t sure it would all be done. But it helped that mom cut out the starting rectangles for me. I pressed both of our fabrics. She cut the rectangles. And then we took our pieces back and did our own angle cuts. I think the pattern is the elvira on the GE designs website.
Thanks! I thought it was a funky pattern. I believe the name is elevira on GE designs. It was a pretty easy pattern once you get the angles sorted.
That’s just what I thought!
The finished top is lovely. Well done, team work too like it
I’ve been in a bit of a crafting slump, with everything that’s going on. Have been crocheting, but not finished anything for ages which has left me feeling a bit meh. Had a minor panic a couple of weeks ago but soon got that sorted and been planning and sorting and shopping (tried very hard not to panic buy, and think I mostly managed not to) knowing that I’d be classed as ‘vulnerable’, so would be under quarantine sooner rather than later.
Any way, today college started back ‘online’ which kinda gave me the kick up the jacksee I needed to get going again.
Today I actually started, and finished something! Not very big, but its finished!
A sample for my sketchbook, using Gustav Klimt’s Tree of Life as inspiration.
Also started a couple of lino prints, but cutters MIA so awaiting new ones arriving tomorrow.
Completely forgot, until I posted the Klimt sample in my list, way up ^^^ there somewhere, that at the beginning of the month I made 2 fabric ATCs for @Magpie for a personal swap.
I wrote the details on a tag attached with a brad so that they can be sewn onto something else, if wanted.
Those ATCs were fabulous!
I am a Klimt fan and recognized your piece right away…nice…so glad classes are back for you, even if online!
I have stamp carving on my list of skills to learn…it is just difficult for me to think of carving in reverse? I know it just takes experience and practice…I can see a lot of use for those cogs!
Thank you! It was fun and definitely surprisingly quick to make.
The way I was taught to prep the lino/stamp is to draw it out then use a sharpie to block in either what you are keeping or what you are removing - it doesn’t matter which as long as you know which way round you’ve done it. That way you can see exactly what you are removing and what you will be left with. I blocked out what I need to remove.
I have yet to try text - reversing that is more than my brain can cope with!
I generally draw my design right-way-around in pencil on paper, and then rub the pencil onto the block so I get a reversed image to trace & carve.
Both of those tips from experienced people will help me! Thanks!
I carved my own 3 letter name backwards, TWICE!
What happens when you turn embroidery into a journal? My newest completed project!
Your journal is gorgeous, @Lynx! Such pretty stitching.