[CLOSED] Everyday Holidays Craftalong Summer 2024 (July 1st through September 30th)

Photo of sunglasses on a mound of sand on a beach. The sea is out of focus in the background. Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash.

:tada: Welcome to the Everyday Holidays Craftalong for Summer 2024!

Runs July 1st through September 30th,2024

Everyday Holidays are a way to add some joy to our lives and learn something new every day. Please note that there are also observations and commemorations in the mix, because all emotions are valid.

What is this craftalong?

The “Everyday Holidays” craftalong is a way to find inspiration for your crafting. You can use the topics as prompts for your artsy explorations, or simply to learn something new. You can use any topic for any craft during the entirety of the season—the craft does not have to be done on the same day as the holiday that was used for inspiration. As long as it’s within the season, it’s fine.

The “Rules”

“Rules” is in quotation marks because this is meant to be a laid-back, no pressure, just post when and how you feel like it kind of craftalong.

Having said that, as with every other craftalong, all community guidelines apply.

Important note: You don’t need to do something on the actual day of the holiday. As long as the holiday and craft happen during the season posted, it’s valid :heart:. So for example, I could make something inspired by a January 1st holiday on February 4th, and it would still be fine, because both dates are within the winter season.

You are allowed and encouraged to post the same projects here that you have posted elsewhere on the site, whether as their own posts or for other craftalongs.

Also, you’re encouraged to post about celebrating the holidays even if you didn’t make anything (e.g. it’s OK to share that you’ve watched a movie for a certain day).

The Points

We’re keeping things simple for this craftalong. You get:

1 point for every project you post.

How do I participate?

To participate, simply make a craft inspired by any of the Everyday Holidays listed for the season, and post it using the template below.

Holiday Inspiration: [write the name of the holiday that inspired your craft ]
Project Name: [Title your project any way you would like ]
Project Link: [If you posted on the main forum, feel free to enter the link here ]
Project Description: [Tell us anything about your project, like how it’s related to the holiday inspiration, and/or how you made it. ]
Project Photos: [Post photos of your craft below, so we can cheer you on! ]

Important, about posting and holiday dates:

You can make any craft inspired by any holiday on any day during the season—your projects do not have to be made nor posted on the exact day of the holiday. As long as the holiday is within the season, it counts.

The whole concept of “Everyday Holidays” can get overwhelming, because there are so many of them. So don’t feel like you have to do something every day. Instead, use the prompts that speak to you and go from there.


The Holidays & Observances

If you would like to see a spreadsheet for holidays for the entire year, you can see the shared Google Sheet.

Holidays and observances for each month will be posted in separate replies below, and each list will have some resources and ideas on how to celebrate. I intend on continuing to add to these as the years go by.

Where did the holidays come from?

I didn’t make these up, though many other people may have, and that’s the beauty of celebrating each day :blush:. I gathered these holidays from the following websites:

National Day Calendar

Time and Date

I have taken the liberty to adapt some of the holiday names. For example, because we are an international community, I removed “national” from any holiday titles. I have also added things here and there to make some holidays more accessible (for example “running day” became “running, walking, or any other exercise day.”)

:gift: The Prizes :gift:

I’ll be crafting a few things to send to the winner of the games.
Because I’m in Canada and shipping can be quite costly, the prize items will be paper-based for now. I hope to expand this in the future.

I’ll post a picture once I’m finished creating the prizes. Please stay tuned.

Who is eligible to win the prize?

Everyone who has posted at least 3 projects in this thread and commented on at least 3 projects by others by the last day of the season will be entered into a random draw for the prize.

This craftalong ends on September 30th at 11:59 p.m. EST. Please post all your projects prior to this time.

:inbox_tray: :gift: Entering the Prize Draw :inbox_tray:

Please PM LindyBlues with the following by 11:59 PM EST ont he last day of the season:

I attest that I have posted at least 3 projects this season: YES/NO

I attest that I have commented on at least 3 projects by others this season: YES/NO

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Participant Tracking

For now, we’re not going to have teams. If more people join us, this may change. I’ll keep track of participants here. As soon as you’ve posted your first project, you’re entered as a participant, and you’ll be listed here, along with your points, so you can see them in real time.

Participant List & Points Tracking

Participant Points
@Mightymitochondria 2

:tada: The Holidays & Observances: JULY :tada:

:calendar: July Monthly Holidays

Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
Cell Phone Courtesy Month Cell Phone Etiquette (article from The Spruce) Use your phone to connect with others and do a virtual crafting session
Rules for Using Your Cell Phone at Work (post from The Balance Careers) Make a phone carrier
7 Easy Rules of Mobile Phone Etiquette (post on National Day Calendar) Make a jogging belt that can hold and support your phone
Is Your Phone Disconnecting You From the World? (older article directed at teens from Good Choices Good Life website; still relevant.) Put your phone on silet and focus on your current crafting project for at least 15 minutes without phone interruptions
Picnic Month 80 Picnic Food Ideas to Pack in Your Basket (article from Taste of Home) Invent a new picnic sandwich
30 Picnic Ideas for Kids (post on Taming Twins blog) Weave a picnic basket
How To Successfully Picnic Solo (post on Grace Belle blog) Create a gift basket with a picnic theme
Make Winter Better with an Indoor Picnic. You Just Need 7 Things. (article from Kitchn) Make a picnic tablecloth
IIndependent Retailer Month Decorate a picnic table
Blueberry Month
Contract Sewing Month
Anti-Boredom Month
Baked Bean Month
Culinary Arts Month
Grilling Month
Hemp Month
Horseradish Month
Hot Dog Month
Ice Cream Month
Fragile X Awareness Month
Peach Month
Watercolour Month
Disability Pride Month

more resources and ideas to come

:calendar: July Weekly Holidays

Week Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
Last full week of July Moth Week Moths Page on Smithsonian Website Draw, paint, or otherwise illustrate a moth
Moth Entry on Britannica Create a moth-friendly garden
How can you tell the difference between a butterfly and a moth? (page on Library of Congress [US] website) Create a zine about moths and how they help the environment
What are the Differences Between Butterflies and Moths? (page on Australian Museum website) Write a poem about moths
7 Things You Don’t Know About Moths, But Should (article on LiveScience) Create a moth-motif piece of clothing or an accessory
Moth Pollination (page on U.S. Forest Service website
Moth Activities for Kids: Everything you need to get started! (post on Mother Natured blog)

more to come

:tada: July (rotating) Daily Holidays

Day Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
First Saturday of Every Month Play Outside Day 21 Creative Outdoor Games for Families and Friends (post on Pint-Sized Treasures blog) 1. Play oustide using art: grab a giant roll of paper and splatter paint all over it. Use it later as wrapping paper, starting pieces for masterboards, etc.

2. Create two giant dice out of cardboard. Put numbers on one and activities on the other. Roll the number dice and the activity dice. You do the activity the number of times you roll.

3. Invent a new outdoor game
58 Fun and Engaging Outdoor Games for the Whole Family (post on Healthy Parenting Habits blog)
First Saturday of July Hop-a-Park Day (spend time at outdoor parks) Canada’s best and coolest playgrounds (post on Active for Life blog) 1. Make outdoor transient art

2. Create a new playground game

3. Paint rocks and hide them at parks for people to find
15 of the Best City Parks in America [US], article on Treehugger
Second Friday in July French Fry Day This is where the name French Fry Actually Comes From, plus the best places to eat French fries in each state, according to Mashed Try learning how to make poutine! It’s sort of French… (Quebecoise)
Third Saturday in July Toss away the could haves and should haves day Start a whole new art/craft project and forget about the ones you could have or should have done!
Third Sunday in July Ice Cream Day Try making your own ice cream, topping favourite ice cream with a homemade chocolate sauce, or creating a dessert with ice cream as its centre
Fourth Thursday in July Refreshment Day Create a new menu of go-to quick bites for the next time you need to serve refreshments
Last Thursday in July Intern Day Create a new office-friendly outfit

more to come

:tada: July Daily Holidays

1 Canada Day

International Joke Day

International Reggae Day

Creative Ice Cream Flavors Dau

Gingersnap Day

Postal Worker Day

U.S. Postage Stamp Day
2 World UFO Day

Anisette (liqueur) Day
3 International Drop a Rock Day (paint a rock and hide it)

International Plastic Bag Free Day

Chocolate Wafer Day

Compliment Your Mirror Day

Eat Your Beans Day

Fried Clam Day
4 Alice in Wonderland Day

U.S.A. Independence Day

Barbecued Spareribs Day

Caesar Salad Day

5 Apple Turnover Day

Bikini Day

Graham Cracker Day

Hawaii Day

Workaholics Day
6 International Kissing Day

Fried Chicken Day

Hand Roll (sushi) Day
7 World Chocolate Day

Global Forgiveness Day

Dive Bar Day

Father Daughter Take a Walk Day

Macaroni Day

Strawberry Sundae Day
8 Chocolate with Almonds Day

Freezer Pop Day
9 Sugar Cookie Day
10 Global Energy Independence Day

Clerihew (poem style) Day

Kitten Day

Pina Colada Day
11 Pet Photo Day

Blueberry Muffin Day

Cheer Up the Lonely Day

Mojito Day

Rainier Cherry Day
12 Malala Day

Eat Your Jello Day

Different Coloured Eyes Day

Pecan Pie Day

Simplicity Day

Paper Bag Day

13 Barbershop Music Appreciation Day

Beans ‘N’ Franks Day

Delaware Day

French Fry Day

14 Grand Marnier Day

Mac & Cheese Day

Nude Day

Tape Measure Day
15 World Youth Skills Day

Give Something Away Day

Gummi Worm Day

I Love Horses Day

Pet Fire Safety Day

Tapioca Pudding Day
16 World Snake Day

Corn Fritters Day

Personal Chef’s Day

17 World Emoji Day

World Day for International Criminal Justice

Lottery Day

Peach Ice Cream Day

Tattoo Day

Yellow Pig Day (celebrates the number 17 and its significance to mathematics)

Wrong Way Corrigan Day (transatlantic flight of Irish-American pilot Douglas Corrigan)

18 Nelson Mandela International Day

World Listening Day

Caviar Day

Sour Candy Day

19 International Retainer Day

Daiquiri Day

Words With Friends (game) Day
20 International Chess Day

World Jump Day

Fortune Cookie Day

Lollipop Day

Moon Day

Pennsylvania Day
21 Lamington Day (Australia)

Be Someone Day

Junk Food Day

22 Fragile X Awareness Day

Hammock Day

Mango Day

Penuche Fudge Day

Ratcatcher’s Day
23 World Sjogren’s Day

Gorgeous Grandma Day

Vanilla Ice Cream Day
24 International Self-Care Day

Amelia Earhart Day

Cousins Day

Drive-Thru Day

Tequila Day

Thermal Engineer Day
25 Hire a Veteran Day

Hot Fudge Sundae Day

Merry-Go Round Day

Threading the Needle Day

Wine and Cheese Day
26 All or Nothing Day

Aunt and Uncle’s Day

Bagelfest Day

Coffee Milkshake Day

Disability Independence Day
27 Crème BrulÊe Day

Korean War Veterans Armistice Day

Love is Kind Day

New Jersey Day

Scotch Day
28 World Hepatitis Day

World Conservation Day

Buffalo Soldiers Day

Milk Chocolate Day

Waterpark Day

29 International Tiger Day

Chicken Wing Day

Lasagna Day

Lipstick Day

LindyBlues and Carlsky’s wedding anniversary (2006)
30 International Day of Friendship

International Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Cheesecake Day

Father-in-Law Day

Whistleblower Day
31 World Ranger Day

Avocado Day

Mutt Day

Raspberry Cake Day
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:books: :bulb: Resources and Ideas for July Daily Holidays

more to come

:calendar: August Monthly Holidays

Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
Dog Month
Black Business Month
Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
Family Fun Month
Happiness Happens Month
International Peace Month
MedicAlert Awareness Month
Motorsports Awareness Month
Brownies at Brunch Month
Catfish Month
Crayon Collection Month (collect crayons from restaurants for donations)
Eye Exam Month
Eye Exam Month
Golf Month
Hair Loss Awareness Month
Immunization Awareness Month
Panini Month
Water Quality Month
Sandwich Month
Wellness Month
Romance Awareness Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
Happiness Happens Month
International Peace Month
MedicAlert Awareness Month
Motorsports Awareness Month
Brownies at Brunch Month
Catfish Month
Crayon Collection Month (collect crayons from restaurants for donations)
Eye Exam Month
Golf Month
Hair Loss Awareness Month
Immunization Awareness Month
Panini Month
Water Quality Month
Sandwich Month
Wellness Month
Romance Awareness Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month

more to come

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:tada: :calendar: August Weekly Holidays :tada: :calendar:

Week Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
First week of August International Clown Week Simplify Your Life Week
First full week in August Farmers Market Week Exercise with your child Week Stop on Red Week
First full Weekend Twins Day
August 1-7 Cleanse Your Skin Week World Breastfeeding Week Minority Donor Awareness Week (organ donation)
Starts first Sunday International Assistance Dog Week
Second week in August Bargain Hunting Week Health Center Week Hobo Week (travelling workers)
Week of August 16th Elvis Week
Week of Orville Wright’s Birthday (August 19th) Aviation Week
Third full week in August Management Training Week
Last Week in August Be Kind to Humankind Week
Last full weekend in August Bat Nights
Last full week in August Composites Week
Two weeks before and through Labor/Labour Day Drive/Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over

more to come

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Reserved for

August Daily Holidays 1

:tada: :calendar: Daily Rotating Holidays in August (these change yearly) :tada: :calendar:

Day Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
First Tuesday in August Night Out Day
First Thursday in August IPA (beer) Day
First Friday in August International Beer Day Water Baloon Day
First Saturday in August Play Outside Day Disc Golf Day Play Outside Day Disc Golf Day Jamaican Patty Day Mustard Day Mead (drink) Day Summit Day (climbing mountains) International Hangover Day (day after International Beer Day)
First Sunday in August Family Day (*US; not stat holiday—noting this because some provinces in Canada have a stat holiday by the same name) Friendship Day Sisters Day
Second Wednesday in August World Calligraphy Day
Second Saturday in August Bowling Day Garage Sale Day
Third Saturday in August International Homeless Animals’ Day World Honey Bee Day International Geocaching Day
Last full weekend in August International Bat Nights

more to come

:tada: :calendar: Daily Holidays in August :tada: :calendar:

Date Name of Holiday in August
1 World Cancer Day Yorkshire Day (UK) International Mahjong Day Girlfriends Day Minority Donor Awareness Day Raspberry Cream Pie Day Respect for Parents Day
2 Coloring Book Day Ice Cream Sandwich Day
3 Georgia Day Grab Some Nuts Day Watermelon Day
4 International Clouded Leopard Day Coast Guard Day (U.S.) Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
5 International Traffic Light Day Oyster Day Underwear Day Work Like a Dog Day
6 Fresh Breath Day Root Beer Float Day Wiggle Your Toes Day
7 Lighthouse Day Raspberries 'N Cream Day Purple Heart Day (U.S. Military merit)
8 World Cat Day International Infinity Day (celebration of deep and critical thinking) Global Sleep Under the Stars Night CBD Day Dollar Day (U.S. - commemorate day Congress established the U.S. monetary system in 1786). Frozen Custard Day Happiness Happens Day Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day
9 International Day of the World’s Indigenous People International Coworking Day Book Lovers Day Rice Pudding Day Veep Day (U.S. succession plan for president)
10 World Lion Day Agent Orange (herbicide) Awareness Day Connecticut Day Lazy Day Shapewear Day S’mores Day
11 Global Kinetic Sand Day Presidential Joke Day Raspberry Bombe Day Son’s and Daughter’s Day
12 International Youth Day World Elephant Day Julienne Fries Day Middle Child Day Vinyl Record Day
13 International Lefthanders Day Filet Mignon Day Prosecco Day
14 World Lizard Day Navajo Code Talkers Day (contributions of Native Americans to World War II) Creamsicle Day Spirit of '45 Day
15 Leathercraft Day Lemon Meringue Pie Day Relaxation Day
16 Airborne Day (honors airborne divisions of the U.S. Military forces) Roller Coaster Day Rum Day Tell a Joke Day
17 Black Cat Appreciation Day I LOVE My Feet Day Massachusetts Day Nonprofit Day Thrift Shop Day
18 Fajita Day Ice Cream Pie Day Mail Order Catalogue Day Pinot Noir Day
19 World Photography Day World Humanitarian Day International Orangutan Day International Bow Day (fashion accessory) Aviation Day Potato Day Soft Ice Cream Day
20 World Mosquito Day International Day of Emergency Transport Chocolate Pecan Pie Day Radio Day
21 International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism Brazilian Blowout (hairstyle) Day Senior Citizens Day Spumoni Day
22 International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religious Belief World Plant Milk Day Bao (Chinese dish) Day Be an Angel Day Pecan Torte Day Surgical Oncologist Day Tooth Fairy Day Never Bean Better Day (enjoy the company of your dog)
23 International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition Black Ribbon Day (European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism) Cuban Sandwich Day Ride the Wind Day (commemorates the first human powered flight to win the Kremer prize) Sponge Cake Day
24 International STrange Music Day (listen to music you normally listen to and/or strange or bizarre music) Maryland Day Peach Pie Day Waffle Day
25 Banana Split Day Kiss and Make Up Day Park Service Founders (US) Day Secondhand Wardrobe Day Whiskey Sour Day
26 Dog Day Cherry Popsicle Day Got Checked Day (breast cancer check) WebMistress Day Women’s Equality Day
27 World Rock Paper Scissors Day Just Because Day Pots de Creme Day
28 International Read Comics in Public Day Bow Tie Day Cherry Turnovers Day Power Rangers Day Red Wine Day Thoughtful Day Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day (pets who have passed away)
29 International Day against Nuclear Tests According to Hoyle Day (follow rules and regulations) Chop Suey Day Lemon Juice Day
30 International Whale Shark Day International Day of the victims of Enforced Disappearance Beach Day Grief Awareness Day Toasted Marshmallow Day
31 International Overdose Awareness Day Diatomaceous Earth Day Eat Outside Day Matchmaker Day South Carolina Day Trail Mix Day

more to come

:tada: The Holidays & Observances: SEPTEMBER :tada:

:calendar: September Monthly Holidays

Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
Alopecia Areata Awareness Month
Baby Safety Month
Better Breakfast Month
Classical Music Month
Fall Hat Month
Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
Intergeneration Month
International Update Your Resume Month
Little League Month
Americana Month
Blood Cancer Awareness Month
Disease Literacy Month
Square Dance Month
Blueberry Popsicle Month
Chicken Month
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Courtesy Month
Honey Month
Italian Cheese Month
Library Card Signup Month
Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month
Mortgage Professional Month
Mushroom Month
Pain Awareness Month
Piano Month
Potato Month
Preparedness Month
Sickle Cell Awareness Month
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month
Prostate Health Month
Save Your Photos Month
Self-Improvement Month
Whole Grains Month

:tada: The Holidays & Observances: September :tada:

:calendar: September Weekly Holidays

Week of Holiday Name of Holiday Resources Ideas
Starts Grandparents’ Day Assisted Living Week
Week before Fire Safety Week Chimney Safety Week
Week of Labor Day Payroll Week
Week of October 1st Active Aging Week
September 1-7 Childhood Injury Prevention Week
September 8-10 Days of Prayer and Remembrance
First full week Waffle Week
Second Week in September Biscuit and Gravy Week
Starts second Monday through Saturday Line Dance Week
Starts the second Sunday in September Arts in Education Week
Security Officer Appreciation Week
Construction Appreciation Week
Second full week in September Beauty and Barber Week
Truck Driver Appreciation Week
Suicide Prevention Week
Nephrology Nurses Week
Healthcare and Environmental Services Week
Third full week Eczema Week
Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week
Farm Animals Awareness Week
Farm Safety & Health Week
Indoor Plant Week
Surgical Technologists Week
Security Officer Appreciation Week
Construction Appreciation Week
Begins last Sunday of September Fall Foliage Week
Last week in September Keep Kids Creative Week
Truck Driver Appreciation Week
Suicide Prevention Week
Nephrology Nurses Week
Healthcare and Envitonmental Sciences Week
Last full week of September International Week of the Deaf
Deaf Dog Week

:tada: The Holidays & Observances: September :tada:

:calendar: September Daily Rotating Holidays

Date Name of Holiday
Thursday before Labor/Labour Day International Cabernet Sauvignon Day
Monday after Labour/Labor Day Boss/Employee Exchange Day
Sunday after Labour/Labor Day Grandparents’ Day
First Monday Labor Day/Labour Day
First Wednesday Global Talent Acquisition Day
First Friday Chianti (wine) Day College Colors day Food Bank Day Lazy Mom’s Day
First Saturday Play Outside Day Tailgating Day Beard Day
Second Tuesday Ants on a Log Day
Second Thursday School Picture Day
Second Saturday World First Aid Day
Second Sunday Pet Memorial Day
Hug Your Hound Day
Third Tuesday IT Professionals Day
Third Thursday Pawpaw (fruit) Day
International Day of Listening
Third Friday Tradesperson Day
POW/MIA Recognition Day
International Grenache (grapes) Day
Third Saturday Responsible Dog Ownership Day
Puppy Mill Awareness Day
Gymnastics Day
Dance Day
Clean Up Day
Boys and Girls’ Club Day for Kids
International Eat an Apple Day
International Coastal Cleanup Day
International Red Panda Day
Third Sunday Wife Appreciation Day
Last Monday Family Day (US), fourth Monday in September
Last Wednesday Women’s Health & Fitness day World School Milk Day
Last Thursday World Maritime Day (shipping safety, maritime security, and the marine environment)
Last Friday Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Save the Koala Day
Fourth Saturday International Rabbit Day
Last Saturday Family Health & Fitness Day
Save Your Photos Day
Public Lands Day
**Fourth Sunday Good Neighbor Day
Last Day
256th Day of the Year Day of the Programmer

:calendar: September Daily Holidays

Date Holiday Name
1 World Letter Writing Day
Acne Positivity Day
Burn Ends (BBQ) Day
Chicken Boy’s (California Statue) Day
No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day (words that don’t rhyme in the English Language
2 World Coconut Day
Blueberry Popsicle Day
3 Welsh Rarebit (cheesy toast) Day
U.S. Bowling League Day
4 World Sexual Health Day
World Samosa Day
Macademia Nut Day
Spice Blend Day
Wildlife Day
5 International Day of Charity
Be Late for Something Day
Cheese Pizza Day
6 Coffee Ice Cream Day
Read a Book Day
7 World Duchenne Awareness Day
Brazilian Independence Day
Acorn Squash Day
Beer Lover’s Day
Grandma Moses Day
Grateful Patient Day
Neither Snow nor Rain Day (commemorates opening of the New York Post Office on September 7, 1914)
New Hampshire Day
Salami Day
8 International Literacy Day
World Physical Therapy Day
Ampersand Day (the symbol &)
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day
9 Emergency Services Day (UK)
International Sudoku Day
Care Bears Share Your Care Day (giving and volunteering)
Teddy Bear Day
Weiner Scnitzel Day
10 World Suicide Prevention Day
Swap Ideas Day
TV Dinner Day
11 Hot Cross Bun Day
Make Your Bed Day
Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance (U.S.)
12 United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation
Day of the programmer
Chocolate Milkshake Day
Day of Encouragement
Hug & High 5 Day
Just One Human Family (harmony with the world)
Video Games Day
13 Bald is Beautiful Day
Celiac Disease Awareness Day
Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day
Peanut Day
Uncle Sam Day (U.S.)
14 Cream Filled Donut Day
Eat a Hoagie Day
Live Creative Day
Parents Day Off
Sober Day
Virginia Day
15 International Day of Democracy
International Dot Day (inspired by the book The Dot, a day for creativity and self-expression)
World Afro Day (hairstyle)
World Lymphoma Awareness Day
Greenpeace Day
Cheese Toast Day
Creme de Menthe Day
Double Cheeseburger Day
Felt Hat Day
Linguine Day
Neonatal Nurses Day
Online Learning Day
Tackle Kids Cancer Day
16 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Mayflower Day
Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day
Guacamole Day
Play-Doh Day
Step Family Day
Working Parents Day
17 International Country Music Day
World Patient Safety Day
Apple Dumping Day
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
Monte Cristo (sandwich) Day
Professional House Cleaners Day
18 World Bamboo Day
World Water Monitoring Day
Air Force (US) Birthday
Cheeseburger Day
HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day
19 Butterscotch Pudding Day
Talk Like a Pirate Day
20 Care for Kids Day (impact a child’s life in a positive way)
Fried Rice Day
Pepperoni Pizza Day
Punch Day
String Cheese Day
21 International Day of Peace
World Alzheimer’s Day
World Gratitude Day
Chai Day
New York Day
Pecan Cookie Day
22 International Day of Radiant Peace
World Rhino Day
World Car-Free Day
World Narcolepsy Day
Business Women’s Day
Dear Diary Day
Hobbit Day
Online Recovery day (substance abuse counselling online)
White Chocolate Day
23 International Day of Sign Languages
Celebrate Bisexuality Day
Checkers/Dogs in Politics Day
Pot Pie Day
Snack Stick Day
Teal Talk Day (ovarian cancer awareness)
24 Heritage Day (South Africa)
Cherries Jubilee (dessert) Day
Punctuation Day
25 World Dream Day (make your dreams a reality)
World Pharmacist Day
International Ataxia Day
Math Storytelling Day
Comic Book Day
Daughter’s Day
Lobster Day
One-Hit Wonder Day
Open the Magic Day (read picture books with kids)
Quesadilla Day (Dia de la Quesadilla)
Research Administrator Day
Tune-Up Day
26 International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
World Contraception Day
European Day of Languages
Compliance Officer Day
Johnny Appleseed Day
Pancake Day
Situational Awareness Day
27 World Tourism Day
Chocolate Milk Day
Corned Beef Hash Day
Crush a Can Day
Day of Forgiveness
Scarf Day
28 International Day for Universal Access to Information
World Rabies Day
International Poke Day (dish)
Drink Beer Day
North Carolina Day
Strawberry Cream Pie Day
29 World Heart Day (prevention of cardiovascular disease)
Coffee Day
Urban Wildlife Refuge Day
VFW (Veterans of Foreign Affairs—US) Day
30 International Podcast Day
International Translation Day
Day for Truth and Reconciliation (orange shirt day), Canadian holiday recognizing Canada’s harmful residential school system for indigenous peoples (the last residential school closed in 1996)
Chewing Gum Day
Hot Mulled Cider Day
Love People Day
Mud Pack Day (skin care)

:tada: :books: Resources for September Daily Holidays

Date of Holiday Name of Holiday Resources
Sep 1 World Letter Writing Day More Love Letters is a project to send a bundle of nice letters to people who may need a pick-me-up.
You’ve Got Mail: Old-Fashioned Letter Writing for Fun (post on the New York City Library website)
How to Write Letters: A 19th-Century Guide to the Lost Art of Epistolary Etiquette (post on Brainpickings.org blog)
You’ve Got Snail Mail: Tips for letter Writing Day from Pencils.com blog
7 Reasons to Keep Writing Letters from the Saturday Evening Post
How to send a letter or postcard according to USPS
How to address mail accurately, according to Canada Post
Como escrever o remetente e destinatĂĄrio no envelope (How to address an envelope in Brazil)
Sep 2 Blueberry Popsicle Day Naturally Sweet Blueberry Popsicles (Easy!), post on What Molly Made blog
History of Blueberries from the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council
Easy Homemade Blueberry Popsicles Recipe (post on Premeditated Leftovers blog)
Sep 3 Skyscraper Day Video (embedded in a website): The Crazy Physics Behind Why Our Skyscrapers Keep Breaking Records
Presentation about the physics of Skyscrapers, by Greg Ross
Article on Skyscrapers from Encyclopedia Britannica
Science World Article responding to the question: What are some of the challenges architects and engineers face when designing tall buildings?
Are you a teacher or a homeschooling parent? Here’s a lesson about skyscrapers for grades 7-8 from Teach Engineering.
Sep 4 Lazy Primary Caregivers Day Self-Care for Parents (post on Program for Early Parent Support website)
15 Self-Care Strategies for Parents
Taking Care of Yourself: Tips for Caregivers from the National [US] Institute on Aging)
Sep 5 International Day of Charity International Day of Charity United Nations page
Charity Navigator website
Donating to Charity page on USA Gov website
Being Charitable Towards Others (article from Carter for Compassion website)
No money to donate on Giving Tuesday? Here are 9 free ways to give back (post from Better by Today
10 Little Ways to Become More Generous (post on Becoming Minimalist)
Sep 6 Read a Book Day WolrdCat: find books in libraries near you
Project Gutenberg: free eBooks whose U.S. copyright has expired
Goodreads is a website providing book reviews from readers
Sep 7 Brazilian Independence Day Official Brazilian Tourism Website
Brazil Travel Guide from National Geographic
National Geographic Kids Brazil Facts Page
Sep 8 International Literacy day What is Literacy? (article from the UK National Literacy Trust)
World Literacy Foundation
Sep 9 Tedddy Bear Day 25 Teddy-Bear Themed Crafts and Activities
47 Teddy Bear Games and Activities for Kids—I say adults can do them too!
14 Creative and Useful Ideas for Teddy Bear and Soft Toy Storage
Sep 10 Swap Ideas Day How to Share Your Ideas (WikiHow article)
How to Share Your Ideas in the Workplace (article from World Education Services website)
15 Ways To Encourage Creative Idea Sharing From All Team Members (Forbes article)
13 Proven Ways to Present New Ideas to your Boss or Management (article from Profitable Venture blog)
31 Best Companies that Pay for Your Ideas in 2021 (article from Money Pantry)
Why Co-Workers Should Share Opinions or Ideas: 16 Reasons (post from Wise Step blog)
Sep 11 Make your bed day 5 Reasons to Make Your Bed Every Day (article from The Spruce)
Why You Need to Make Your Bed
How to Make a Bed Military Style (YouTube video, 1 minute 55 seconds long)—So as a former military member, this isn’t exactly how beds are made in boot camp (we don’t use fitted sheets, and the sheets have to be completely without wrinkles), but this video is more realistic for people wanting to do hospital corners at home.
Sep 12 Video Game Day Video Game History (article from Smithsonian Institution)
Video Game History - Timeline and Facts from History.com
Video Game Consoles timeline from World History Project
The Evolution of Arcade Gaming (article form M&P Amusement website)
Sep 13 Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day Cooks of All Ages: How Kids Can Help in the Kitchen (article from pathways.org)
How Young Kids Can Help in the Kitchen: A List of Activities by Age (article form The Kitchn)
Sep 14 Live Creative Day The Positive Psychology of Creativity (article from PositivePsychology)
Improv Boosts Creativity and Psychological Well-Being (article from Psychology Today)
How To Be More Creative: 10 Proven Techniques
How to Be More Creative
80 Easy Projects for Kids
50 Crafty and creative FaceTime Activities to Do with Kids
15 DIY Projects for Couples
20 Cool Things to Do with Your Partner At Home.
Things to Do with Your Friends When You’re Bored | Scroll down for creative things to do
Sep 15 Online Learning Day Ultimate List of Free Homeschooling Resources Disclosure: This is from my own blog
10 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Websites to Start Your Free Education (article from studentcompetitions.com)
80+ Best MOOC Providers List (article from Knowledge Lover)
Sep 16 International day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer The International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is an official day observed by the United Nations. You can find more information about it on the UN website
National Geographic Society page about the ozone layer
Encyclopedia Britannica article about the ozone layer
5 Ways to Protect the Ozone Layer (article from Nutty Scientists)
Information about ozone from NASA
Sep 17 Batman Day A Brief History of Batman on the Small Screen (article form dccomics.com)
Batman Publication History (DC Fandom page)
Batman Wiki Fandom page
Batman entry on Britannica
Sep 18 Concussion Awareness Day Information about concussions from the government of Ontario | Ontario is the national leader in Canada for concussion management and has established Rowan’s Law in response to the concussion-related death of a young rugby player. This document will show you information about concussions as well as the law about them.
Concussion article on Mayo Clinic Website
Concussion Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Injury Center
Hit. Stop. Sit. Poster
Sep 19 International Red Panda Day Did you know a red panda is not actually a panda? And did you know that although it looks like a red raccoon, it has no relation to a raccoon? Did you know that they look super cute but can be super feisty? Learn more about this endangered species with the resources below.
Red panda facts from the Red Panda Network
Encyclopedia Britannica article on red pandas
World Wildlife Fund article on red pandas
Red panda fact sheet from National Geographic
Facts about red pandas from Live Science
National Geographic Kids page about red pandas
Dance Day 9 Easy Dances to Learn Quickly
The Official Annual Routine from American Dance Movement— This page updated yearly with the dance routine tutorial for the current year
The 50 Greatest Movie Dance Scenes of All Time, according to Vulture
List of Dances from Wikipedia
Lindy Hop Moves
Shameless Plug: Mariana & Dan’s Wedding Dance (2006)
See some fun dances for kids and their caregivers in the resources below
Jack Hartmann Educational Songs for Kids | You’ll find all kinds of fun songs to dance to; all you have to do is follow along with the video to keep your brain and body strong.
Splash ‘N Boots’ For the Love of Dance and Who Put the Beat in My Shoes?
Sep 20 Fried Rice Day Wikipedia Fried Rice page
The History of Nasi Goreng in Indonesia (Food Mag article)
Wife Appreciation Day The # 1 resource for celebrating this day is… your wife. Observe, learn, and ask what makes your wife feel special. Then act on what you have learned and show her how much you truly appreciate her. Here are some other ideas:
25 Free Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her
Here are some more generic resources for improving your relationship:
The 5 Love Languages
One Extraordinary Marriage
7 Ways to Improve Communication in Relationships (article from PositivePsychology)
Sep 21 World Gratitude Day 14 Health Benefits of Practicing Gratitude According to Science (article from PositivePsychology.com)
40 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude (article from lifehack)
How to Practice Gratitude (article by mindful)
Sep 22 Dear Diary Day 83 Benefits of Journalling for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress (article from PositivePsychology.com)
Keeping a Journal Can Be Good for Your Emotional Health (Article from Psychology Today)
The Health Benefits of Journalling (Article from PyschCentral)
How and Why to Start Journalling (Article from lifehacker)
Journalling Apps
I prefer pen and paper and love a beautiful notebook. Writing by hand is very calming, and there’s some research that shows that writing by hand can actually improve memory, helping you retain information more readily. But if writing by hand is just not your thing, you don’t have the time, or it’s much easier for you to have everything on your phone, you have options.
Here are the 8 best journalling apps of 2020, according to Zapier.
Car-Free Day 10 Reasons to Go Car-Free
How and Why to Go Car-Free (or at least Car-Lite)
Simplify Your Life: Go Car-Free
Equinox Video from National Geographic: What is an Equinox?
The Seasons, the Equinox, and the Solstices (article from the US National Weather Service)
When and What is the September (autumnal) Equinox?
Spring Equinox (Vernal Equinox)
Sep 23 International Day of Sign Languages Sign Languages of the World
A Guide to the Different Types of Sign Language Around the World
Canadian Association of the Deaf Statement on Sign Languages
[How to Learn Canadian Sign Language [ASL & LSQ](How to Learn Canadian Sign Language)
Learn American Sign Language Online | This website has a paid course but has some free lessons as well. It may be worth checking out.
How to Learn Sign Language
American Sign Language University (*This is a great resource with full ASL courses entirely for free, taught by a Deaf instructor.)
Handspeak.com (Online ASL dictionary)
Sep 24 Punctuation Day The Punctuation Guide
Sep 25 One-Hit Wonder Day What is a One-Hit Wonder?
The Complete List of True One-Hit Wonders
All One-Hit Wonders 1955-2016
The 57 Best One-Hit Wonders of All Time (according to Insider)
Sep 26 Situational Awareness Day Situational Awareness is the ability to be aware of your environment and act to prevent dangerous situations instead of reacting to them after they have already happened. While this skill is essential for military members and other dangerous professions, it is also a useful skill for the everyday person, whether for personal reasons or at the workplace.
Situational Awareness Exercises
14 Ways to Improve Your Situational Awareness
10 Tests, Exercises, and Games to Heighten Your Senses and Situational Awareness
5 Practical Exercises to Help With Your Situational Awareness
Sep 27 World Tourism Day How to Take a Virtual Vacation (Rosetta Stone article)
The 12 Best Virtual Vacations You Can Take Without Traveling (TripSavvy article)
How to take a Virtual Vacation (LifeHacker article)
Armchair Travel Experiences That Let You Explore the World From Your Living Room (Thrillist article)
32 Vacations You Can Take from Home (Smart Travel article)
Sep 28 Good Neighbour Day How to Be a Good Neighbour (article from Charter for Compassion)
101 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor Right Now (article from Apartment Therapy)
100 Ways to Be Kinder (article from Virtues for Life)
Want to share some brightness with someone who really needs a pick-me-up? Consider writing a snail mail letter to someone on the More Love Letters project.
Sep 29 Broadway Musicals Day Big List of every musical that’s ever been on Broadway
The Broadway League’s official on-line headquarters for Broadway information in NYC and across North America.
The most popular Broadway Musicals of all time
Top 100 Classic Broadway Songs
Sep 30 International Podcast Day What is a Podcast?
How to Listen to a Podcast
The Best Podcasts of 2020, according to Time Magazine
The 16 Best Podcasts of 2021, according to LimeWire

:tada: :bulb: September Daily Holidays: Ideas

Date of Holiday Name of Holiday Ideas
1 World Letter Writing Day Write that snail mail letter you’ve been meaning to write Create mail art Check out the Happy Mail Craftalong 2024 and maybe send some happy mail :heart:
2 Blueberry Popsicle Day Attempt making a blueberry popsicle or another blueberry frozen dessert
3 Skyscraper Day Build a “skyscraper” out of construction paper or other material
4 Lazy Primary Caregivers Day Take some time to yourself with a favourite craft
5 International Day of Charity Consider going to a thrift shop and finding something to upcycle
6 Read a Book Day Consider binding your own book
7 Brazilian Independence Day Consider making Brazilian food like “brigadeiros,” “beijinhos de coco,” or “pão de queijo”
8 International Literacy Day Make a craft inspired by your favourite book
9 Teddy Bear Day Make a teddy bear Make a teddy bear picnic Repair an old teddy bear
10 Swap Ideas Day Hang out in the lounge to exchange random ideas or ask a craft-related question on the forum
11 Make Your Bed Day Consider embroidering a pillow case Learn a new bed-making technique and make your bed pretty with things you have made (e.g. stuffed animals, pillows, etc.)
12 Video Game Day Start programming a new game or start learning to program Make a craft inspired by your favourite video game Make an arcade from cardboard boxes. Bonus points if you can find a way to add moving pictures
13 Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day Work on your favourite crafts while the kiddos do the cooking and washing up. No kiddos? Let your inner kiddo take over the kitchen and make your favourite treats to eat before dinner!
14 Live Creative Day Work on your favourite creative project today
15 Online Learning Day Sign up for that crafting/creative course you’ve been meaning to take
16 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
17 Batman Day
18 Concussion Awareness Day
19 International Red Panda Day Dance Day
20 Fried Rice Day
21 Wife Appreciation Day
22 Dear Diary Day Car-Free Day Equinox (usually on Sep 22nd)
23 International Day of Sign Languages
24 Punctuation Day
25 One-Hit Wonder Day
26 Situational Awareness Day
27 World Tourism Day
28 Good Neighbour Day
29 Broadway Musicals Day
30 International Podcast Day

This is a great idea. Thank you!

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You’re welcome :heart: I’m working on adding things now because July 1st is a holiday here, so I probably won’t have time on Monday :blush:

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:tada: Happy Independence Day

to all my friends south of the border.

How will you be celebrating today?

July 4th is also:

Alice in Wonderland Day

Barbecued Spareribs Day

Caesar Salad Day

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