Color in a Box 2022 Gallery

It’s the pod one you see everywhere from withlovefrombeth.

I confess it’s my first bad review I’ve ever left - worst pattern I’ve ever made [that I paid for]. I was grateful @gozer was making it, too, so we could commiserate. But now that I’ve figured it out, it might pop up in a few other places!


Yeah! I am so glad it go to you safe! I had such a fun time crafting and collecting for you.


I received a fabulously spoiled box of teal goodies from @Cyn-energy today!

The box was so cheerful to open!

I waited to read the card last, but what a pleasant surprise to see a painted teal bird when I sent her one!

Swap packages are always a surprise because I forget what I put and what I have on wishlists!
Ha! (Like the gorgeous set of van Gogh inspired washi tape!)

Look at the “mermaid in a bottle!” At least, that’s what I thought when I saw the beautiful glitter.

Or, another wish I forgot about was a set of 14" pillow covers.

Look at the luscious succulent fabric! (Color more blueish than teal in pic)

I’ve been wanting to try Posca pens forever! She sent one, a tube of gorgeous turquoise watercolor that I can maybe use during @jemimah’s watercolor class, an art crayon, and a pretty pen that writes like butter! (I know this because as soon as I opened the package, I got a call to schedule an ortho appt for my pinky fracture that’s not healing well, and I used the pen in my planner. )

And, last but definitely not least, another forgotten Etsy wishlist item : a hanging crochet cactus in teal!

Thank you Cindy for such a beautiful and thoughtful package!


What a fun and thoughtful package! I do like the teal items, they’re cheerful.


@Cyn-energy - the little succulent is so cute! I love the yarn used for the “container” too!


@Cyn-energy I love your little bird painting! It’s adorable. Cute hanging cactus holder too. I love wee things.


Awesome package!! Those pens. The pillow covers. The painted bird… all so wonderful! And I’m a sucker for Washi tape!


Oh my gosh. I want everything in this box. The bird painting and teeny succulent are lovely. I also ADORE the tape set.

p.s. those pendants are screaming to be made into funky earrings.


Love that little bird!


What is this blue tea wizardry? I am intrigued! :star_struck:

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It is amazing, isn’t it?? I do feel like a wizard drinking it! lol

It is made from the butterfly pea flower and it has a nice light herbal flavor. And it is nice cold, too. I can definitely see making this as an iced beverage for summer.


I’ve added it to my Amazon wish list. This is what my family uses for gift ideas for me! So maybe I’ll get lucky with some blue tea for Mother’s Day this year. :teapot:


My package from @MightyMitochondria came and I adore everything!! Black was the color and so lots of dark, goth, witchy things!!

Here was the package when I initially opened, very cool!

There was also a cool letter attached and sealed with a wax seal!

The first item I opened was this spooky statue. I put her on one of my bookshelves, and she plays music!

Next was these cool handmade candles:

THIS!!! A mossy skull planter to feed my plant hoarding addiction!! I haven’t decided what to put in it yet!

These cute little magnets!!

These bookends are to DIE for (yes, I had to say that) :innocent: I have one on my mantle and one by my bedside now they are so me!

A very cool apothecary set made from biology class test tubes and rack! :heart_eyes:

Witchy spooky goodies!!

I loved every single piece in here, what a fun package!! @MightyMitochondria you are the best!!!


Whoa! That is ALL kinds of awesome! I love everyone’s take of color in a box.


Super cool package!!!


@MightyMitochondria !! The statue with the little lamb is so freaking cute!!! But that apothecary set is a stroke of genius! I love the box you painted, as well!

Super fun package!!


All that teal! The mermaid in a bottle is great and I love that washi tape. A beautiful set of cushion covers are always a treat.

The spooky black package is very cool. It’s so awesome seeing something that is so loved by and suited to the recipient.


Way to nail another package! This is such a great gallery.


Wow! Look at all the witchiness! Right up @Chr1stchan’s alley for SURE! The bookends and moss skull are my favorite!


The entire package is amazing, but that apothecary set is absolutely insanely beautiful! I’m in love with it!