COMPLETE-Teesha Moore Patch OR Adult Merit Badge Swap Signup 5/30-6/7

I don’t think I’ve made a patch for you before @AIMR! I’m looking forward to it! And @curiousfae, I can’t wait to see what you pick :slight_smile:


Yay for partners! I’ve been admiring @Wulf’s work for years, and am very excited to be swapping with him.


This will be fun!

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Ive already been brewing up ideas!!!


I picked out the fabrics I want to use, then got distracted by two completely unrelated projects. :laughing:


wow–I did not expect partners so fast! Hey, @craftADDchick…you are right…I don’t think we ever were partnered for a TM patch before! YAY!

I have to work this week but I will be on it…I need more stuff to make to keep me motivated to stay at home…

I have so many ideas it’s been hard to narrow them down! Been stash-shopping for materials and experimenting a little bit. If the inspiration continues at this level, could be mailing super early!

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Working on kind-of a “bonus” section of my merit badge right now. This’ll make sense when you see it! Every time I think about it, I laugh. I hope my execution lives up to the hype in my head!


Now I’m a-twitter with anticipation, and I’m not even your partner!


After a lot of back and forth over which theme I would use, I finally got to work yesterday and am half done. I’m pretty pleased with the result so far.


I have a date with crafting this weekend! I’m pretty excited about it. :smile:


I sent! It’s going to Sweden, so I wanted it to have a head start!


You ladies are speedy! I got some colours picked out last night, and I’m hoping to get some work done over the weekend.

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I have to admit, I wasn’t motivated until @Lynx told me she was ready to ship!! That lit a fire under me. :rofl:


I have had my brain overloaded with finishing up the end of the school year with the addition of answering texts and emails about the 132 teacher positions cut this week in my district (I’m a union rep in my building, so I get asked a lot of clarifying questions).

But, I do think I know what I’m making… but that could change. I do need some craft therapy this weekend!


132 positions? :sob: You DO need a craft weekend. Thank you for all you do as a union rep. It is a tough job.


That’s only the teachers, unfortunately. They still have to cut paraprofessionals and tutors.And probably secretaries, too.

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I got my patch about 80% done today, mostly during a long virtual D&D session! Now that I’m working a full time mon-fri schedule again, I need to use my weekend time efficiently!


WOW! You’re fast! I’ve yet to pick out my fabric for you! :open_mouth: Will work on it next week… hopefully things will quiet down a bit (homeschooling & WFH - wise).

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That sounds not so good! :frowning: Surely they will need every person once school will be back? Plus more if kids are not back full time (we’ve been told that both Primary (Elementary) and High School will have 33% students at any time in the buildings … not sure how long … ). And of course still remote learning on the days they’re not “in” school…

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