I’ve got 4 things done and getting ready to start the last one. Should be mailing very soon!
I have my envelope in my hand, ready for me to work on! I’ve been sitting at the computer for 3 days of “professional development” so it’s nice to step away from it for a bit. I am behind on a lot of things I need to make, so I’ll be ignoring everything else that needs doing this weekend to work on them. Everything is planned, but I just haven’t been able to find my mojo. Now that school has sort of started (the students start on 9/14), a lot of little wrinkles are being ironed out, so I don’t have as much stress on my plate (mostly the stress from others).
So, I’m going to double check my partners questionnaire, turn off the computer, and get my envelope going!
I have everything gathered & hope to finish & mail out on Monday!
I have been gel printing a folder to hold goodies. I have most goodies made. I just need to think about the envelope. But I’m good. Also planning to send Monday or Tuesday.
Ok, all 5 things are done! Now I only need to get pics and decorate the envie!
I made good progress on my envelope last night. It’s not finished, but I think I have a good foundation.
And, I have my projects for the weekend all listed out. What I don’t finish this weekend, I can finish on Tuesday and Friday, but hopefully I won’t need to.
I am finished, I just need to make it to the PO.
I love finding stuff like this…it is a bit of nostalgia and a reminder of odd things that probably no longer exist…
I have four-ish things done… I’m overthinking evertyhing though and I’m not sure if I should combine them into less things and make more but I have a plan for the fifth thing, I just have to do it! And I have half a plan for another thing if I think it needs more. but I have no pan for decorating the envelope yet… I suppose I’ll just have to start and see what happens?
I’ve been making good progress, hope to be finished today or tomorrow!
Revision of my estimate … yeah, more like mid-to-late this week finish. We recently had some layoffs at work and now I am doing two people’s work. Spending time this weekend getting caught up on email inbox clean out!
I’ve mailed out!
I think I finished my envelope. I’ll have to see what I think tomorrow. I finished one of the 5 items, got started on a second, and pulled out materials for a third. Tomorrow, I need to rummage through my supplies to see what I have on hand for the last 2 things.
I finished all my items. packaged them. Decorated the envelope and have realized the first item I made is missing in action. I think I put it somewhere “safe” so I need to find it. I doubt I can break away to get to the post office today but hopefully in the next couple of days.
I think I love my envelope… And, apparently, late evening crafting is the way to go for this swap. I’m about to work on another item now…
I think I’m done, but I might try one more thing… but, probably not tonight! I’m hoping to mail by Saturday, but if not, it will be Tuesday. It depends on when I can get to the PO.
I’ve been done and even found my lost item but I just haven’t been able to get away from work to go to the post office. I thought about printing postage but printing from home prints a huge label and if I go to the self service kiosk I can say the big label doesn’t fit and have it print a small label so I don’t cover up all the art on the envelope.
Oof. Hard hit by work this week. (Hellooooo, outdated Excel macros!). Likely not sending out until Tuesday!
I sent today and they covered up most of the decorations on the envelope.