woohoo! partner day!
I’m excited to have our illustrious organizer as my guinea pig for my first go at
making masterboards
I’m partnered with @geekgirl and even though we’ve swapped multiple times, I’m still fan-girling over here!
Yay! Partners!!
I can’t wait to start making a mess for @thanate
I might have started one large piece last night and I might have added a layer or two today…
Thanks for partners!
Woo hoo, I foresee more mess in my near future! Thank you for my partners
OMG, also going down all sorts of rabbit holes here, all in the name of research of course!
So excited, I think I hit the partner lottery!
I really hope everyone is happy with partners I often overthink these kinds of things…
Hi @thanate! I’m looking forward to making some masterboards for you!
I have another day and a half of house-cleaning to do before my MIL is here for the weekend, but the idea of spreading out a giant table-full of stuff to sploop paint all over on Monday is helping.
I’m so happy to be paired with our marvelous mod
I’m finishing up some other swaps first but excited to work on this too!
Apart from being unsure about whether things are good enough, I think I’m done!!
I’ll take another look at the weekend so that things have time to settle into themselves
Good morning everyone! It’s check-in time If you haven’t posted here in a few days please let us know you’re still around Here’s an optional check-in question to make it a little more fun
What is the messiest craft you’ve ever made?
When I was a teenager I used to make salsa with the aid of a blender… one time I went to stir the mix between blendings but I was too quick and the blades were still spinning… they caught the spoon and salsa went flying EVERYWHERE! on the counter, on the cupboards, on the floor, on the ceiling… It was quite the cleanup afterwards
Probably a masterboard. I’m still finding paint splatters on my table, floor, laptop, clothes that have been through the wash, the cat (ok, not really but I’m surprised ), etc.
Once when I was a kid, my friend and I were making homemade wrapping paper using plain butcher paper and poster paint, by sticking our hands in the paint and making big colorful handprints all over. Then I had the brilliant idea to use our FEET… which was awesome until we realized we somehow had to make it from the area we were painting in to somewhere we could actually wash our feet… ^^;
Dyeing rovings, yarns and textiles. I try to cover all my work surfaces and double up on gloves. No dice. Somehow, there is always a spill, dye seepage or tracking of powdered dyes onto floors that I don’t notice till it reveals itself as a stain. And yes, I’ve given up on explaining why my fingers are odd colors.
I hope to get masterboard messy today!
I think my messiest craft was last year when we tore up the chaise and reconstructed and reupholstered it into a chair. The whole living room had pieces of this project!
Still here. I’ve researched my partner’s Pinterest and am now in the second-guessing-all-my-ideas phase.