Completed - Masterboard Swap ~ Send by August 17

I know what that feels like! :sweat_smile: I’m sure whatever you make will be wonderful :kissing_heart:

Make something YOU love! Since masterboards are meant to be cut up and can be used in such small or big pieces, I think it’s mostly about the process of having fun and making a mess. :joy:


I’m back from a short visit with my mom and sisters. Ready to get back to work.

Messiest craft? All of them (I’m a bit of a klutz!)

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Hmm, yeah, I hadn’t thought of this swap as one that required much pinterest stalking, just keeping in mind color preferences and stuff… but now I’m second-guessing myself! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It probably doesn’t. I know I don’t have a dedicated masterboard, uh, board or anything. But my partner listed her Pinterest, so I figured it was worth checking out as part of my brainstorming. It did give me some ideas related to ____.

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There’s been a lot of gelly plate playing on other boards, so I decided to get mine out, but yeah…it still isn’t my favorite way to masterboard.

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I just use pinterest stalking as procrastination / time sink time. Always manage to add a few pins!!


I’m not sure what my messiest craft was-- probably something long enough ago I’ve suppressed the memory-- but my mind immediately went to the time my poor kid got all excited to use some air dry clay from a kit where the clay was a little too wet, and she ended up with it all over her hands & workspace looking up with a woeful expression to say, “I’ve made a horrible mistake.”

(my fingers are presently splotched with many colors of acrylic, tho, and I got my husband to glow-forge some more stencil shapes for me!)


I sat down to start a masterboard and was reminded how fast and fun they are! So I’m almost done with the first one :grin: I was splattering it with some white but the white was mixing with the wet colors so I have to let it try a little more first :wink: I also channeled @Magpie and used an empty box for splatter catching (instead of awkwardly holding paper around the danger zones) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’ve read my partner’s questionnairs and am going to try to stick to colors I think they’ll like, but I’m not going to stress or overthink it too much! The overthinking will be saved for the small crafted items :laughing: I haven’t even started to think about what I will make for those yet…


wow, you were fast!
I have just returned from vacation, and am a bit paralyzed with jet lag at the moment, but hopefully tomorrow & Sat will be productive!


Don’t stick with any certain colors on my account! I’m sure I will like anything you send (as always :hugs: )

and tell me more about the empty box? Do you put your paper down in a box before splattering?

I needed to NOT procrastinate and get stuck in my head. One thing I did was awful, but I think it’s been rescued enough to work!!

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This seems like a fun project to do at least partially outside (especially paint splattering :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) so I’m hoping to get these done on the weekend!

It’s a medium-ish size box, turned on it’s side and the bottom is lined with paper. I splattered one end of masterboard paper then turned it around to splatter the rest :slight_smile: I haven’t found any paint on the walls so I think it was successful :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I keep an empty Amazon box just for doing this. I have no idea why I didn’t think of this before @magpie showed us this! My poor sewing machine and laptop are covered in little white splatters from the Zoom classes! lol I love splatters and not I can sort of control the mess (I still tend to splatter myself, so I do not wear my good leggings…lol)


thanks for sharing! a picture is worth 1000 words for me,
and I guess I should also thank @Magpie for the idea!


I saw it on the interwebz, almost positive cster!


Mine are heading to the postbox today!!


I should be able to mail Monday.


I’m also ready to mail.