Easter Socks

These are just Vanilla socks, but the yarn was a real hoot. I picked up a DIY sock set from Oink Pigments while she was at my local fiber festival. The colorways are Give Peeps a Chance and Le Pink. And they are wild and bright like the hodgepodge of candies you’d find in your Easter basket. The yarn is superwash Targhee and nylon, and felt a bit rustic until I washed them. Now, they’re just soft and squishy and I can’t wait to wear them.

I did manage to make the heel flaps too short, but they fit well enough. sigh Someday, I’ll make myself a pair of socks without too many mistakes.


Plain socks are some good knitting too! I love how colorful they are! They are like candy!

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Beautiful! These are perfect for brightening up a winter’s day.

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Thank you!

I also discovered that DS1 wears the same size socks as me after finishing these. Although, I doubt he’ll steal them, as they are so pink.

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They look amazing! The colors and fun.
Socks have always looked like they would be so hard to make, and then you have to do it again. LOL!


Vanilla socks? I don’t even change colors the couple of times I’ve made socks. I absolutely love the colors.
I think my DS would rock these, he loves fun socks. He has grey and purple, argyle, french fries, etc. I think his shoe size has surpassed mine, though. Soon he and my DH will have interchangeable socks.


To me, it seems amazing to be able to whip up a pair of socks! This pair is really cute.


Omg, I’m looking at the oink pigments website and the yarn colors are soooooo tastyyyyyy! Do I need another knitting project atm? No. Buuuuuuut, those colors! :flushed::sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Thanks, everybody!

@irid3sc3nt - I know, right?! Some vendors…you just can’t walk on by. She had this big trunk of pigtails (mini-skeins) that I got to dig through. It was almost sensory overload with the colors and texture. :joy:


HOW FUN ARE THESE???!? I would wear the heck out of them.


Not sure what vanilla socks are but these are FANTASTIC … the colours :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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These are so beautiful!

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#designfeatures - if you correct as you go they are your personal design features

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These are just the cheery, bright spot one needs midway through January!

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Thank you! Y’all are too kind!

@Cindy - vanilla just means no-frills. Like how vanilla ice cream is simple, delicious, and not only great on its own but a good starting point for a yummy dessert. This is the sock version of that. Great on their own, but easy to elaborate on.


These are so colorful and fun! I love them!

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Excellent colors! Love the pink toes and heals.

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Thank you!

I’m in awe of anyone who can knit socks. These are fabulous

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Gorgeous yarn choices! Who doesn’t love a fun pair of socks?

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