I bought digital paper (a first for me) from MaebyWildPrintables on Etsy, I thought the sprinkles and watercolor circles fit well with the quote And because I had a plethora of time away from my craft space I filled it with making fabric beads from @Magpie’s zoom class When I was assembling I thought it needed something between the beads but nothing was working so I embraced the scrappy and used fabric bits to fill the spaces between beads.
This was fun to put together and I’m quite happy with the overall look
And here’s an explanation of the affirmation, stolen from the source
(🇨🇦 … keeping my Joy in a chaotic world …)
Beautiful, especially the fabric beads. I always wondered what her saying meant.
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(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
I recently brought my first digital paper, too! It’s an addiction! Great use for those fabric beads!
Ha-- I read something recently talking about the marshmallow experiment, and pointing out that the kids who didn’t eat the marshmallow mostly spent their time poking it or licking it or trying to build things with it, and the whole adult concept of it being about willpower is nonsense.
Thanks for explaining how to make this!
You must have known I need detailed instructions
It is perfect and happy and oh so positive! Well done, my friend!!
There was also a protractor/compass involved… and some math… and c-a-r-e-f-u-l cutting I got a little crazy with overthinking & trying to make it perfect I got all the paper bits as suuuuper precise as I was able… them went crazy scrappy with the fabric and lace!
Oh my gosh, you made SO MANY BEADS!!! Yay, you! I love how you used them for this project. The colours are fab and just perfect for Ms Kitty. Nicely done, beautiful work. I am really enjoying looking at all the parts of it close up over and over again. Treasure!