this project was a BEAST, that’s for sure!
i started this one in 2018 after seeing my guild friend and long arm instructor do the sew along on instagram. she decided to take it on as a “block of the month” style class where each month we would sew the 4 blocks for each chapter and after 12 months, we would have our 48 blocks. it took a little bit beyond 2018 to get the blocks done, and then even longer to get the quilting done… but come 2020, it was finally bound and ready for the world to see!
it was suggested we picked a theme, and my first theme idea was disney, but i do that a LOT. so when i couldn’t decide, i opted for 2 of my favorite things… cats and dinosaurs. plus sticking with 4 main colors really helped keep the cohesion of the quilt. basically… this was all a plot for me to keep buying fabric because i NEEDED new things… right? i’m super happy with how it all turned out, and could easily convince myself to make another one. a few skills were stressful at first, but the book does a great job of walking you through things!
Emily, that is a superlative piece of work! Well done on seeing it through to the end
How on earth did you find that many different cat & dinosaur fabrics? I keep looking and going ‘that’s so cute’ to almost every one.
Keeping to a limited colour palette was a good idea, things like this can easily become so full of colour you can’t see the patterns. I like that the theme fabrics you chose are individual scattered images rather than them being an all over pattern (like this )
I love the label block! Did you print the text onto the fabric?
Think if I was tempted by this I’d have to do it as a QAYG, don’t think I could cope with all that sewing and then have to quilt it! Also not having easy access to longarm services means using home machine … um, not something that size!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
All of the tips and experience you shared are generous and helpful! It seems such a daunting task when you see the entire quilt, but seeing it in blocks first makes it seem so much more doable!
Each block is wonderful by itself! I could see doing some of the blocks and making a smaller project, but the entire quilt is the “wow” factor…and it is WOW!
Great job on the color scheme…you have a wide range of tones, darks and lights, nice pattern movement and fun fabrics…tremendous job…you show your pride with your adorable label block on the front!
Holy macaroni, that is something else! I can’t even, can not even imagine the work that went into it. How fun to peruse the squares checking out all the fabric bits. I spied a really cute cat gazing through fishbowl fabric that I am now going to google for, lol. And the cats inside circles near the bottom is really great too.
Yes, what are you doing with the left overs now? We want to see more, haha!
Oh my gatos! Dinoriffic! I especially like the dotted fabrics paired with the stripes and stars, and the cute animated dinos, and the cats in the circles, and … and … oh just everything! Bound in that cheerful green!
i searched etsy quite a bit using different key words. some of the fabrics i paid a bit more for because they were out of print or from another country, but it was totally worth it!
the label block is actually letters fussy cut from a cotton and steel fabric and then arranged to spell out what i wanted to. needless to say, it is very swiss cheesed
and as far as leftovers… more catasaurus! haha i’ve already started to use the colors in different things, and as i find things that need fussy cut, i’ll definitely be diving in to that bin!
the fishbowl one is from “ink and arrow” that one i do remember
i have put a few in to my 100 days 100 blocks that i did that year as well and my my mom’s hidden agenda quilt got a few but it is pretty great to have such a wide variety of kitties and dinosaurs on standby to sneak in to different projects. maybe that’s what i’ll start doing, sneaking them in in a “where’s waldo?” style and have them searched out
Awesome!! I love the color combination, and cats and dinosaurs are such a fun theme!! I can’t even imagine how much time all those different blocks must have taken but it looks fantastic.