Envelopes of all sizes

I bought 2 pads of variety scrapbook paper for $4 each pad, and made some envelopes out of some of the pages. With some of the leftover paper, I made smaller envelopes. The smaller bits of paper will likely go into my junk journal.


Envelopes are the perfect thing to make with that fun paper that may not have otherwise been used. Pretty.

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These are very neat! Looks like you’re ready for some happy mailing. :wink:

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Great way to use these papers! Mail in such envelopes is so fun to receive!

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How do you make them? Do you use a template?

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Very pretty!

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Nice! These will for sure come in handy.

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What a great way to use up some fun papers! I love that you got so many different shapes and sizes!

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These are super cute! Do you have plans for how you’ll use them?

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Thank you everyone for your kind words :slight_smile:

@Immaculata, initially I just tried to think of how an envelope is made, and cut up a piece of paper to resemble a rectangular envelope with minimal flaps. Then I glued the sides onto the back of the envelope and it took me a few tries to realize that I should just glue the flaps to the front… I like to learn things by trial and error; I’m sure there’s a template out there, but I wanted to just try it out on my own first.

After making a few on my own, I decided I was tired of eyeing it, and I grabbed a couple different types of envelope and opened them up by “ungluing” the flaps. Then I traced around them, directly on the papers I wanted to use, and cut around the tracing. So I suppose I made my own template, in a way :slight_smile:

With the smaller envelopes, I just used the same concept as for the bigger ones and just cut the flaps/sides smaller.

@wittychild, 2 of these just went out in the mail this evening for other happy mailers :slight_smile:

@Jazzybelle, thanks! I’ll be using the standard size ones in “happy mail,” just letters and things I send out to other people. I’ll put stickers and other paper goodies in the smaller envelopes, then place in the bigger ones for mailing, along with a letter or card :slight_smile:


Cute envelopes are half the fun! These are really fun!

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