Final finish! Crochet basket marathon has endedScraptastic quilt-talk scrappy to me challenge entry

I’ve posted a few previous baskets but then it got silly. I just finished the 14th! And final basket. My stash is almost eliminated and I am left with small balls of yarn for specialty use. Spirit dolls, embellishments on swap items, etc.
If I start a larger project I will purchase as needed. That’s an extra two bins for other storage.
Final pics. These will be donated to our church holiday fair. Taking no commisions this year!


Completely fabulous. You are amazing.

14?! That’s an impressive number. And, they’re all so pretty.

You are amazing for doing all these and it is amazing that you were able to make them all so pretty while actually using all your stash! Seems like I always have a few supplies that just don’t work.

These are beautiful!

Thank you, the whole process was therapeutic.

There are a few small skeins that will find a new home. I just couldn’t use them.


These are great! And it feels good to do things for a cause, too, so a double win. :slight_smile:

They look wonderful as a collection!
Big job finished. And finished well!

Lovely! So many sizes and colors- something for everyone! Your church will appreciate the donation as well, I’m sure.

Wow! An impressive collection and yay for gaining more storage space!

Hurray! Congratulations! They are so beautiful.

Wow. You accomplished everyone’s dream of stash busting like a boss! Not only did you make something that looks nice, it is functional, and most will go to a good cause! The trifecta of crafting!


Actually, it’s the inability to sit and watch TV without a project in my hands. But I usually hate handwork and don’t create many projects that involve handwork. Maybe the slow-stitch along would be a good idea.
Plus I was very sick of the yarn I had in stash…you know, the stuff you don’t like, don’t have enough of for any project, gifted stuff.


Wow - 14 crocheted baskets! Great work, what a wonderful way to use up your stash!

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This is so great and it’s amazing that you were able to make so many out of stash that was going unused! My yarn stash is definitely out of control, so I’m going to think about doing this for sure!

:mirror_ball: :dancing_women: :ice_cube: :dancing_women: :mirror_ball: Woohoo! Your cool craft is one of this week’s Featured Projects! Thanks for sharing it here with us! :mirror_ball: :dancing_women: :ice_cube: :dancing_women: :mirror_ball:

Woohoo to LC! So many wonderful projects! So little time…


These are so pretty! Some people are going to be very lucky to have them. Was there a pattern you used?

No pattern, though I did look on YouTube for how to make handles.
I used to make soft frisbees, so making a round flat bottom was easy, then it was just adding the sides with no increases until I was happy with the height. There are lots of instructions on YouTube on making baskets, just find one you like.
I do like to have the good side of the base facing upwards, which means changing direction to have the good side of the sides facing outward. Causes a bit of a problem. I really only know how to single crochet and probably don’t start my rows properly, but I muddle through.


Nice, thank you for the tips!