Finished My Late Aunt's UFO Apron, Adding My Own Twists

While looking through my stash for mask making fabric I came upon this mid-weight checkered denim that I had been given by my aunt when she was downsizing years ago along with a bunch of other fabrics. When I opened it up, I found that it had been cut into a long bib apron. Then I got the idea to finish the apron for my cousin, her daughter.

Then it sat waiting for inspiration. When inspiration struck it was in the form of cutting it to make two aprons by adding some other fabric from my stash and keeping one. I didn’t get a pic before I cut the original apron piece, but that’s it up there.

I had enough of this bottom weight navy fabric to make it work!


Then I got to figuring out how I wanted to put it all together with all finished seams, etc. At first I didn’t think I was finding the size of grommets I needed, but then found some in the back of the grommet drawer! And after A LOT of online searching for twill tape I liked, I ended up at JoAnn and found an appropriate weight, width, and color. WHEW! But the rest is all stash. :wink:

For a few reasons, I decided some kind of seam tape would work nicely on the inside hem of the pockets and then realized I had a bunch of bias tape made from more fabric my aunt gave me at the same time! I wasn’t a huge fan of the print, but there was enough of it to be useful. Not long after, I realized it would be very useful to test just how much bias tape of varying widths I could get from a method using a 1/2 yard of fabric. Turns out it’s kind of cool as a bias tape, but I hadn’t used it… until now!

Finally, I added a little embroidery “label” of sorts to the top bib facing to commemorate our “collaboration.” My aunt died about 5 years, but I think she’d have gotten a kick out of this. It’s not my best embroidered text ever, but I think the love is obvious anyway. And now I notice a missing comma on mine. D’oh!


Here it is ready to wrap up to mail. I’ve written up a little card to explain the fabrics and such to go with it.



Tara, this is beautiful. What a lovely way to remember your aunt. Thank you for sharing.


What a wonderful project! Your cousin is going to treasure it. It’s great that you made one for yourself as well.

Thanks, friends! I have so many aprons and I hardly wear them! Partly, because they aren’t particularly comfortable, but I think this strap/tie style might be right for me.

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Gorgeous apron, and such a special project :slight_smile:

This is lovely! The thought, the fabrics and the execution!

This is so special. And so cleverly made. I like the grommets and the bright bias tape is a really clever detail

Thanks so much, everyone!

wow, this is such a treat! I love aprons and I don’t wear them…sigh…
When is your lucky cousin getting this? I assume it’s a surprise?

I love this so much. I love the look and the design. I also love the little message.


Thank you, friends!

@kittykill Thanks! I like the way they came out more than I thought I would since the checked denim isn’t really my jam. :wink:

@bethntim ! Same! I have several, but don’t wear them! Only when baking that that’s not that often. I think I want to try to start making a point of wearing one to keep my shirt dry while washing dishes. TheMisterT has been doing pretty much all the cooking, so I have been doing most of the dishes.

I am mailing it off today to her PO box. Not sure how often she checks it, but I assume she’ll be getting it early next week. Her daughter is graduating HS, so I imagine they’re going to the box more often for her cards and gifts. When I originally found the cut apron, I asked her if she’d like me to finish it for her, but that is all. She doesn’t know about me making two or anything else about it and it’s been a few months, so it will probably be a bit of a surprise!


That’s super sweet. And the aprons look great!

Wonderful job! They turned out really nice and modern!

Thank so much!

I really love this. What a great to keep a loved one close by. :heart:

absolutely amazing and so sweet.

These aprons are marvelous! I really like the little pop of color from the bias tape in the pockets.

And the sentiment behind the project is lovely. About half my stash came from my great-aunt and working through her scraps is like having her in my sewing room with me (without the inevitable critique).


What a beautiful way to remember your aunt! I really like the design of the straps. I hate the neck strap that only goes around the back of your neck, and I like the ties to be long enough to tie in the front, so this design is a win-win for me! I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for large twill tape, too. I am also a huge fan the way fun bias tape looks when used as a facing, but it’s something that I never remember to do. I’m going to bet that your cousin will just love it!

Thanks so much, y’all!

@craftADDchick I feel the same about the behind the neck strap - it just gets uncomfortable so quick. And I also like to tie in front, so I hope I really like this when I wear it. I found A LOT more 1.5" twill take than I did 1" which is what I was initially looking for.

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I’ve never seen twill tape that wide. It’s definitely on my radar for the next time I hit the fabric store!