Geek Out Swap

I mentioned this one in the brainstorm thread, but I wanted to make a separate thread so that I can better gauge interest.

We all have things that we love to geek out about it. It could be a movie, a show, jellyfish…really anything that you really love and enjoy talking about.
This swap we get to geek out about what we love in the questionnaire. :purple_heart: Our partners in the swap get to learn about what makes geek out! And craft something based on that.

I don’t have an idea on what sizing people would prefer, please comment and let me know. :blush:

If there’s enough interest I’m thinking I could start signups in March.

Please comment if you’re interested and let me know what timeframe works well for you. :blush:


March works for me. I can commit to extra small to small size, anything bigger makes March too soon for me. I could commit to something bigger if the swap happened later :heart:.


I think Small would work.


I would be interested if anyone would want to do something for Monster High dolls, but i dont want to pish that on an unsuspecting person thinking they would be making video game stuff. Lol

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Is that the only thing you’d geek out about? Personally, I’m not confident in making clothes. Though maybe other stuff.

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I would be good with any size, although I’ll be gone the last 2 weeks of April, so a swap that ships before that or at least a week into May would be amazing


I should be able to make the timing work. :blush: