Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

New Happy Mail from @Amfkinney and another batch headed out today!


Thanks for sharing the picture. This is what I also received. @amfkinney, my mom also recieved from you.

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I received happy mail from @photojenn! :blush: She sent a pretty card along with a bird themed coaster! Thank you so much! :blush: :love_letter:


Here is my coaster from @photojenn! I love it and use it every day. I also received the hello card and love the rainbow background. Your cards are cool.

Thank you so much Jenn!!


I thought it would be fun to attach the charm from @Lynx to my happy mail scrapbook.

I love it! Thank you so much Laura!


This makes me so happy!


Yay, I’m glad they’re arriving and being enjoyed! That makes me so happy!!

I tired to match the coaster fabrics to what I thought recipients would like best. And of course @bluebird needed one of the bird themed ones :slight_smile:

The cards were made by cutting up strips of my first time playing around with distress oxide sprays. I was uncharacteristically fearless and took a pair of scissors to it and just started cutting strips before I had any idea what I was going to make. A year ago Jenn would be like “who is this girl?” :joy:


I received this week, on the same day, from @jemimah and @Lynx. I’m going to post pictures this weekend so you all can see how confused I got opening them.

Laura, I’ll find a good use for my charm and let you know what I do with it. Thanks so much for including me!


Question for everyone… who likes Cryptids? :hugs:

Edit: to reduce replies, :heart: this post if you do


That’s a great idea! I’m going to do the same thing with my charm.

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The cards I received from Kirsten @jemimah and Laura @Lynx on the same day …

I decided to open Kirsten’s first (the flowers) and saw Laura’s watermark on the photo, which made me think I was actually opening Laura’s, but a check confirmed it was from Kirsten. After reading her note, I discovered Laura had made the card Kirsten sent. Talk about confusing.

I love them both!


They are both lovely…and, we are recirculating the loveliness around the world, it seems! lol

I would have been confused as well…lol


That is such a happy coincidence!


I got my cute little charm in its adorable envelope from @Lynx and a lovely card from @Amfkinney. Thank you, ladies!!


I got an adorable mini envelop with stamped charm too, thank you Laura!
I also got a card from @anna.wahnsinn who is not even in this swap (yet!).
And a card from @Bunny1kenobi .
Thanks everybody!

Just fyi, I’m taking a break from swapping & exchanges for summer so mail won’t pile up on the porch when we’re away.


Haha! that would have been confusing! @Lynx sent me a bunch of her beautiful cards, and I’ve really enjoyed sharing them through happy mail :cherry_blossom: :love_letter: :sunflower:


I received this cute punny card and cute stickers from @Amfkinney. I’m still chuckling at the card :joy:


I have received from you! A while ago.

I’ve been a bit absent from this thread (and from LC and crafting in general) and I haven’t sent thank-you messages for a while. In fact, some envelopes were received and not even opened, they were piling up on my desk! Life has been extremely hectic here. I’ve been back to the office fulltime for about a month now and it’s hard to adapt to office life and this new job in general. I’m so tired when I get home. Much more tired than I used to be. I am absolutely not used anymore to being around people and smalltalk an background noise all day every day. On top of that I had food poisoning and was pretty sick for a week. I still haven’t got my appetite back completely. And on top of that, there’s just so much bad news in my country. We have an R-rate of 3, there is severe flooding in my country (although we are thankfully not affected personally) we’ve been without a proper government for almost 6 months now, there has been a lot of bad news lately. I wanted 2020 to be over so badly but 2021 seems just as bad so far. I’ve just been moving from bed - shower - coffeemachine - work - back to bed recently.


Dear @Immaculata, just take good care of yourself!
Going back to work is a big change, and with everything else going on, I can imagine you are exhausted.
And on top of it you had food poisoning, argh! Glad to hear you’re better.
I’m glad you received my happy mail and hope it brought a smile to your face!
I sent you my favorite little cross stitch patterns from my stash. I’m sure you’ll happily make use of them one day (when things are less hectic).


It certainly brought a smile to my face, and many happy memories. This is what I got:

The cross stitch patterns are from a well known Dutch women’s magazine. I recognized the layout immediately, my grandmother subscribed to it as well! The first things I stitched were from that magazine. A little dog and a little orange. The patterns were easy to read for me as a kid because they used colours instead of symbols. I still have a folder of pattern pages I cut out, but I’m pretty sure this pattern is not in my collection yet! So thanks a lot for that! I will certainly stitch them and the size is ideal for cards.

Happy mail is truly the right word for this craftalong - I opened up every last envelope on my desk today and I was really smiling all afternoon. I don’t have a lot of time for crafting but I have a pile of stationary paper and pre-made cards on my desk and I intend to write one reply every day. I should be able to manage that.

I wanted to say thanks to @Amfkinney especially, because I just received another card from you today & I feel like I’ve received a dozen from you already, and I’ve only sent 1 back. You are high on the reply-to list!