Crocheted Hearts are not just for Valentine’s Day!
You might have seen this crochet pattern before. It has over 150,000 views in my online (Flickr) album, has been featured on many Blogs and is pinned all over Pinterest.
For Lettuce Craft I have revised the pattern and adapted it for US, UK and NL crocheters.
US - Pattern crocheted Heart (design BeaG)
You’ll need
- yarn (I used an acrylic yarn for the red heart)
- crochet hook (size that matches your yarn; I used a 3mm)
- a little stuffing material
Ch = chain stitch
SC = single crochet (US)
st = stitch
tg = together (SC)
Pattern (make 2)
SC in rows
always make a Ch to turn (not mentioned in the pattern)
- 1 Ch, turn (yes, that means 2 Ch if you count the turn-Ch)
- 2 SC in first st, turn
- 2 SC in first st, 1 SC in next st (= 3), turn
- 2 SC in first st, 1 SC in all other st (= 4), turn
- 2 SC in first st, 1 SC in all other st (= 5), turn
- continue SC in rows (2 SC in first st) untill you have 20 st, turn
first round part of the heart:
- 10 SC, turn
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (9+10), 1 SC in all other st (= 8)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (7+8), 1 SC in all other st (= 6)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (5+6), 1 SC in all other st (= 4)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (3+4) (= 2)
fasten off
second round part of the heart:
- re-attach in the 11th st of the 20 st row (right next to the first round part)
- 10 SC, turn
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (9+10), 1 SC in all other st (= 8)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (7+8), 1 SC in all other st (= 6)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (5+6), 1 SC in all other st (= 4)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (3+4) (= 2)
fasten off - weave in all ends
Crochet both hearts together in SC. Leave a small opening in one of the straight sides.
Lightly stuff the heart. Close the opening by crocheting more SC.
Weave in ends.
UK - Pattern crocheted Heart (design BeaG)
You’ll need
- yarn (I used an acrylic yarn for the red heart)
- crochet hook (size that matches your yarn; I used a 3mm)
- a little stuffing material
Ch = chain stitch
DC = double crochet (UK)
st = stitch
tg = together (DC)
Pattern (make 2)
DC in rows
always make a Ch to turn (not mentioned in the pattern)
- 1 Ch, turn (yes, that means 2 Ch if you count the turn-Ch)
- 2 DC in first st, turn
- 2 DC in first st, 1 DC in next st (= 3), turn
- 2 DC in first st, 1 DC in all other st (= 4), turn
- 2 DC in first st, 1 DC in all other st (= 5), turn
- continue SC in rows (2 SC in first st) untill you have 20 st, turn
first round part of the heart:
- 10 DC, turn
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (9+10), 1 DC in all other st (= 8)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (7+8), 1 DC in all other st (= 6)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (5+6), 1 DC in all other st (= 4)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (3+4) (= 2)
fasten off
second round part of the heart:
- re-attach in the 11th st of the 20 st row (right next to the first round part)
- 10 DC, turn
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (9+10), 1 DC in all other st (= 8)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (7+8), 1 DC in all other st (= 6)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (5+6), 1 DC in all other st (= 4)
- first two tg (1+2) and last two tg (3+4) (= 2)
fasten off - weave in all ends
Crochet both hearts together in DC. Leave a small opening in one of the straight sides.
Lightly stuff the heart. Close the opening by crocheting more DC.
Weave in ends.
NL - Patroon gehaakt Hart (ontwerp BeaG)
- garen (ik heb acrylgaren gebruikt voor het rode hart)
- haaknaald (maat die bij je garen past; ik heb een 3mm gebruikt)
- een beetje vulmateriaal
L = losse
V = vaste
st = steek
sh = samenhaken (V)
Patroon (maak 2)
V in rijen
altijd een L maken om te keren (niet genoemd in het patroon)
- 1 L, keer (ja, dat betekent 2 L als je de keer-L meetelt)
- 2 V in eerste st, keer
- 2 V in eerste st, 1 V in volgende st (= 3), keer
- 2 V in eerste st, 1 V in alle andere st (= 4), keer
- 2 V in eerste st, 1 V in alle andere st (= 5), keer
- ga door met V in rijen (2 V in eerste st) totdat je 20 st hebt, keer
eerste ronde gedeelte van het hart:
- 10 V, keer
- eerste twee sh (1+2) en laatste twee sh (9+10), 1 V in alle andere st (= 8)
- eerste twee sh (1+2) en laatste twee sh (7+8), 1 V in alle andere st (= 6)
- eerste twee sh (1+2) en laatste twee sh (5+6), 1 V in alle andere st (= 4)
- eerste twee sh (1+2) en laatste twee sh (3+4) (= 2)
rond af
tweede ronde gedeelte van het hart:
- hecht aan in de 11e st van de 20 st rij (direct naast het eerste ronde gedeelte)
- 10 V, keer
- eerste twee sh (1+2) en laatste twee sh (9+10), 1 V in alle andere st (= 8)
- eerste twee sh (1+2) en laatste twee sh (7+8), 1 V in alle andere st (= 6)
- eerste twee sh (1+2) en laatste twee sh (5+6), 1 V in alle andere st (= 4)
rond af
hecht alle losse draden af
Haak beide harten aan elkaar met V. Laat een kleine opening in een van de rechte kanten.
Vul het hart licht op. Sluit de opening met meer V.
PS: Feel free to use this pattern any way you like!
Commercial use is fine with me too.
Just don’t present or sell the pattern as your own.