Hexies Addiction - Maybe a future quilt?

Hello everyone! I’m new on Lettuce Craft, I loved Craftster dearly and I’m glad it’s here.

Lately I have found myself in love with hexies and paper piecing these flowers! My original plan was to maybe make a Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt, but the thought of making roughly 1 million white hexies was… Well… Boring. :grimacing:

Lately I’ve been considering just going with them side by side and keeping the random colorful selections I have going, which is basically just me refusing to work with any fabric I don’t absolutely love. Haha

Am I crazy?? Will this take me forever, what do you guys think?

Also, if anyone has done a quilt with paper piecing, I’d love to hear about your experience!


Hi and glad you found your way here!

I’ll let the quilters chime in with their advice and experience, but wanted to say I love your fabric choices, as well as your cat friend!


Hi! :slight_smile:

There’s a quilt-along you might find helpful.

Hexies are so cute to embelish things with too.

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this. do this.

A huge quilt with hexies can be overwhelming. You can always do a cheater method, where you make them until you’re sick of them, and then just stitch them onto a top, bind it, and use it. Then it will be everything you love. and most likely it will be organic/asymmetrical. Good and finished is better than perfect and seemingly endless. BUT, go where you feel is best - you might just be inspired to finished it!

Finally - so happy you are here!


No more crazy than the rest of us! :laughing: I like @JoyfulClover’s theory of making them until you’re tired of it and see how much quilt that gets you. Maybe it’ll be a whole crazy flowered quilt, and maybe it’ll be something you patchwork onto a larger top, and either way you’ll end up with something cool. :green_heart:


yaaaassss, @thanate


Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

She’s a really good helper. When she’s not terrified of the ceiling fan or harassing her brothers. :sweat_smile:


Hi! :slight_smile:

There’s a quilt-along you might find helpful.

Ooh, thank you! I will check it out for sure.

Hexies are so cute to embelish things with too.

You know, I have been thinking about this, because on my journey I have ended up with a lot of singles or random 2 or 3 that I don’t want to use in a flower; I think they are just so precious to me that I’m scared to do something I won’t like! But I think it would be really satisfying to really use them on something that’s completed, so thank you for the suggestion. :slightly_smiling_face:


You can always do a cheater method, where you make them until you’re sick of them, and then just stitch them onto a top, bind it, and use it. Then it will be everything you love. and most likely it will be organic/asymmetrical. Good and finished is better than perfect and seemingly endless.

I do like this idea a lot; struggling with perfection and actually finishing things is an area of development for me; I think this idea has a lot of merit and might be a great idea, thank you!

Very true. I am loving it.

Wow, thank you all of everyone for being so welcoming; it’s really sweet, thanks for letting me share my little project with you and for giving me your feedback! :heart_eyes: I feel excited about continuing with your ideas.


There are some pictures floating around on LC, but I’ve made a 2 x 2 m quilt top, all hand sewn scrappy hexies - so no flowers, just totally random. I’m currently working on hand quilting it. It has taken me literal years, on and off. I’ve found out I love hand sewing a lot or I wouldn’t have made it this far.


I love those little hexies.


Congrats! Your hexies are one of this week’s featured projects! You are awesome!


I am in no way affiliated with this site, but I saw this YEARS ago on Pinterest and have said I would make it one day. It’s less hexies, but you still get the overall feel.

I love all your little flowers. They are so pretty and happy! I can’t wait to see what you do with them.


@gozer , I think I have that one pinned, too!! I’d totally forgotten about it; that would be a great idea to use up a bunch of singles. Thank you so much!


If you make it, I want to see it!!!


I also love your selection of colors and fabrics you love! <3


Eep! They are lovely. How is it going?


Thank you so much!! I actually just made up a few more these last months. I’m thinking I’m going to start joining them soon and see where I get! :heartbeat::heartbeat:


I love hexies too! I started a quilt just after my honeymoon and the project outlasted the marriage, though.:sweat_smile: I’ve been making diamonds with mine, and have big plans to make a big flower with diamond petals on a plain whole cloth white top. Someday…

(And let’s not talk about the hand quilting just yet!)


That sounds beautiful! Yes… I haven’t even wanted to thank about the actual quilting part too much!!