Inspired by this post, I am posting my made-by-loving-hands-at-home cakes. I am so glad there was no social media back then when my children were small!
The cake that year was a chocolate chip ice cream and oreo cake, not theme decorated.
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
I love all of your cakes! Kinda made me tear up remembering the cakes my dad made for our birthdays! He decorated the basement with streamers and balloons and made a matching cake. I love it when creativity makes a birthday special for a child.
My favorite is the Under the Sea with the starfish. I can see kids loving that one!
So cool! My fave cake is the Frankenstein one and my fave piñata is the cat. That being said, they are all phenomenal! And I bet those were some really happy kids!
What a delight to scroll through the years here! I am glad that I grew up in a time when having a home made theme cake was a big deal and these are a BIG DEAL. I can’t pick a favorite, but I got a special thrill seeing the ones with the Fisher Price Little People on them.
@TheMistressT Back then you had to get creative with what you had, and what was available locally. No Amazon! (I still have all those FP houses and people stored away.). From age 5 on, Child #2 always helped, so the cakes definitely have her touch.
This was before we’d knew about / had access to fondant. Which would probably not have mattered, as my kids wanted butter cream.
A journey of birthday fun! Your cakes and piñatas are marvelous. I can just feel the mom-love radiating through those pictures.
This post reminded me of doing birthday parties for my (now adult) son. Lots of our party themes were the same as yours (or very similar):
Egyptian archeological dig
Treasure hunt
Plus, my sister did a tea party for her daughter’s birthday.
What sweet memories! And I assume that you must have sewn small sister’s dress, with that novelty print.