COMPETE Invite Your Partner 2024 Swap - NEW SEND DATE - Send Out April 2

A little of both - sometimes I can see what I want to make and it works (after a re-try or two) - and sometimes it wants to go its own way and evolve into something completely different!


I wrapped up the monster and magnet swaps so I can finally shift focus to this one! Hoping to make some major progress this weekend.


I’ve got one mostly done and a plan for the second but haven’t started it yet.


I received from my lovely partner @Bunny1kenobi over a week ago! I have held off wearing what she sent until I could get good pictures.

I don’t think we have a gallery yet!


Oh, thanks for the reminder! Sorry everyone, I will get onto that now!


The gallery is up :smile: - GALLERY!

I’m looking forward to seeing all the fabulous things!


I finished my 4x6 art for @jemimah tonight! Now for an extra or two and I can send next week.


Exciting!! :smile:


A lovely woman in my knitting group (she actually crochets, but is welcomed because she wants to learn to knit!) helped me out with a project I am slowly working on…it has sped up my process by 3 times!!! Yes, I am starting over, but, it will be worth it! Less frustrating and much faster.

Also, got everything together for my second partner…so that should go along pretty fast as well.

I am going to have to get everything done soon as I will be so busy in March!


I ended up with two shifts at the library last week, in addition to homeschooling the kids, as well as filling out 3 separate government applications, one of which was 16 pages long… plus completing my oldest’s registration package for high school, which is due March 4th (and requires a lot of phone calls because I completely forgot abou ther grade 7 immunizations :grimacing:) …

All that’s to say, I didn’t work on my pieces for this swap last week, as there just wasn’t enough time. But today is a holiday here in Ontario, and I decided to do what I wanted to do—which was make art. So my second piece is now finished. I also finished the first draft of a third piece, and will put it into its final form later today.

I am really enjoying the process and hope my partner will like the goodies I’m working on :heart:


Somebody might have said they like greens.


We had some unexpected events in the family that threw off my schedule, but I am back on track now.
I didn’t answer the check-in question. I usually have a good idea of what I will make and how I want it to turn out. Sometimes, things get tweaked, but it’s recognizable as to what I wanted.


ooops! I didn’t even notice there was a check-in question until I saw @gozer’s message (I hope you’re all OK, by the way!)

When I’m making things I have a clear idea of what the thing will be, but not exactly how it will turn out. I treat “how to draws”, inspiration pictures, and the like as I treat recipes: they’re a starting point, but the final product will have my own flavour and style.

So I may start drawing something that I know will be a mermaid, but the actual look of the mermaid isn’t pictured in my head, I just start and go with it.

Having said that, I often just sit down and start doodling, and then the doodle will eventually turn into something.

So I suppose I’m a bit of both.

Apologies for any typos… I’m to exhausted to proofread


someone does like greens!! and someone has actually figured out what they’re making for someone else!! hoping to get it started this weekend.


I need something from a stupid store that closes at 5:30, I work across town until 5 :confused:
Aside from that, I could keep going or I could be finished, I dunno. Cooped up in the house all long weekend, I kinda got a lot done. I have a bit of special fabric left & a couple more ideas tho. What to do… That store will have to wait until Saturday. I might as well keep going, right?


Heh, I know the feeling. I finished a piece for @jemimah and I could stop there…but I keep looking at it and thinking “it needs more ____.” And possibly a bell. There’s that point where you go from “that’s nice” to “evrything in my craft room is on this thing” and it’s a fine, fine line. :joy:


Ahaha!! You can never have too much ________!!! :joy_cat:


big crafts are done. Now the little ones and finishing touches and they are ready to take on our trip


I started sketching for one project but still have a ways to go. I should probably stop procrastinating :slight_smile:


I just posted my piece from @bluebird in the gallery! You should check it out!!!