Is anyone growing veggies?

Love the square foot gardening!

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Our garden is almost fully planted. All we have left to plant are our pepper starts and half of our tomatoes. I finally remembered to take my camera down to the garden this morning.
Daikon radish
Our garlic beds
Butter lettuce
Bok Choy
Surprise potatoes. Guess I didn’t fully harvest that bed last year.
The blueberries we planted last spring are knee high
We just added a few paw paw trees to our fruit patch
I also planted zucchini, yard long beans, cucumbers, peas and soybeans all from seed and we’ve harvested the last of our asparagus, beets and kohlrabi.


Looks good!! You guys must really love garlic. I had never grown garlic before, so I planted cloves from two bulbs last year and only one of them failed! So I’ll have almost 25 bulbs in a couple of months.

I think I live in a less warm climate than you do - I’m growing zucchini, squash, tomatoes and cucumber from seed as well but they’re still on the windowsill, we can’t plant them outside until late May. This time of year Mr. Imma is always really annoyed with all the little pots on the windowstill and I have to keep reminding him it’s only for a few weeks. He’s a bit clumsy so he’s always afraid he’s going to drop them on the floor when he opens the curtains.

I’ve never tried growing yardlong beans or soy beans, I’ll write that down for next year! Yardlong beans are called “kousenband” (garter) in our language. This year I’ll just try several varieties of snap beans and hope they’ll do better than last year.


We do love garlic at our house! If you’ve not read up yet on how to know when to harvest and how to cure it do a little search. Yard long beans are super prolific and need lots of space to climb.


I am late starting my garden this year. I just had great vegetable soil delivered, today! lol. Stay-tuned…

Here is my middle daughter with our three cubic yards. I over-estimated and will have left-over. lol

@MissingWillow I love your garlic bed! I have not grown garlic yet, but it’s on my list. :grin:


I love rich soil so much and yours looks fabulous. You have a cute helper there!

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Oh the shoveling!

Bought potatoes to plant today but I am too sore from weeding to move. Luckily they are easy to plant.

I also need to get the sweet potato bed covered so it can warm up. Planting at the end of May.

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I got three free artichoke plants about six weeks ago now. I already had a three-year old green globe… so imagine my surprise when I noticed purple flowers! I’d assumed they’d be green too. These are so beautiful against the silvery foliage. :purple_heart:


Beautiful :purple_heart:

Any good suggestions to keep chipmunks out? :chipmunk:

They are cute scurrying around my bird feeders, but they are “Alvin’s” ™ digging holes and up stuff in my garden.

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That’s a tough one! Your best bet might be to feed them far away from your garden so it’s not a temptation.

That is beautiful, @artsycandice! Do they grow more than one per plant? We’ve never tried growing artichokes.

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Re: feed far away from garden

Good suggestion, but my garden is on the opposite side of my house from seed feeders. That’s part of my frustration.

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Dang. Some folks use predator urine spray or hot pepper spray to keep deer away from their flowers but I doubt you want that near your veggie garden! Rat traps might work if you are willing to go that route. Lots of folks wouldn’t be.


Cayenne powder liberally sprinkled on every bit of soil. It won’t bother the plants but creatures find it irritating & it prevents revisits. I mean liberally sprinkled though, like a gardening friend orders it in bulk, 10lb boxes.

@artsycandice wow, that is beautiful! What a colour.


Yes! I’ve heard of plants that give more than thirty or forty artichokes. They get a bit larger each year and can reach 6’ around. (The plant, not the flower :laughing:). They also are so lovely to have as part of your landscape, and they give food!:grin:

This is my three-year old green globe plant:


Wow! Might have to add that to the list!

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I can send you a whole pile of green globe seeds from last year if you are inclined to start some. (they may not all be viable). Or, they are usually easy enough to find at any nursery. When I have seeds from the purple one I’ll send some your way too. :purple_heart:


Yes please! We don’t start artichoke seeds here until the middle of February so no rush! Just set some aside, I’m sure we will be swapping in 2021.


That artichoke is beautiful! I don’t have space for such a large plant but if I ever get a bigger garden I want one!

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Just message me in the future if you remember. I will likely always have these now. :slight_smile: Yes, I intend on digging them up if we move. :grin:

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