Lentils, Lentils, Lentils

Since I have been experimenting with lentils, why not a topic based on lentils, lentils, and more lentils, :smiley:

Todays batch is a Southwestern style without the heat.

The gorditas were filled with my own beans.

onion, butter, pinto beans, garlic, finely chopped green pepper, oregano, and freshly ground cumin.

the lentils:

beef bouillon, garlic, lentils, leek, green pepper, ground cumin, and four leaves of oregano.

This one just went above my last one with peanut butter and flat bread. It is just awesome.


Sounds yummy!

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Mmm…sounds amazing. Did you make the gordita too? Looks homemade.

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Sounds delicious!

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yep. The best and easiest batch I’ve made yet. I’ve got plans of making some Arepas today to finish off the rest of the beans and lentils(hopefully soon).


Looks delicious!

I had some leftover lentils from a dish I made a couple days ago.

I decided to re-purpose them into a new dish today.

I fried up the bok choy (spelling?) and spinach I got from the community garden market in some vegan butter (I’m not vegan but I’m trying to cut down on animal products). I also put some garlic powder an onion powder in the butter.

Then I added the lentils from the previous dish, added a small amount of dill, also from the market, and added a little soy sauce.

It turned out really delicious!

I ate it with rice because lentils + rice = :heart:


Ok, this is pretty good. Trying to get more onto it, while at the same time trying to keep from putting too much on it.

In a rice cooker:

lentils, split peas, and qinoa. cook for about ten minutes.

mix in beef bouillon, garlic, onion, salt, pepper, ground cumin, small tomatoes, and chopped green pepper. Cook til tender, set to warm mode (as my rice cooker was still on cook mode).

Make thin gorditas (about 50 to 75 minutes. This gives the split peas time to finish cooking on the Warm setting of the rice cooker without overcooking the lentils…Well, at least it worked for me, heh).

Top gorditas with mixture, then cheese, avocado, and a dollop of sour cream. Et voila!


That looks delicious :heart:

These look scrumptious! How are gorditas and tortillas different?

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It LOOKS delicious! A satisfying leftover remake. Lentils are one of the few beans that I like, especially as soup with the leaves. How do you buy lentils with the leaves?

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Do you mean sprouted lentils? If you soak lentils for a bit, they usually sprout, but you can also buy lentils already sprouted. The latter tends to be much more expensive, though. Here are some instructions on how to sprout dried lentils at home:


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Thanks. No, not sprouted. The good lentil soup bought in a can always has lots of green leaves in it that look like cut up spinach. Wasn’t bay leaves because they remain stiff. I guess its herbs, parsley or something. Because there were so many of these green leaves mixed in the soup, I never thought they were herbs. I thought they were the leaves from the lentil plant. Thanks again for sharing.

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Hmm! I guess like how flour tortillas are different than a pita pocket (but with flour instead of corn). Pretty much made from the same stuff, but different at the same time.

Personally I like the gorditas more than the tortillas. There’s a lot more of that corn-flour taste with them over the tortillas.


I buy lentils dried and cook them on the stove top. I usually make 2 cups at a time, then use throughout the week for different dishes. So in this case, I added the leaves later. The first dish i think it was spinach.

The canned lentils here are quite expensive, and it’s easy enough to make them from dry. For me it might be easier, because opening cans is a pain… literally, lol. I should just buy myseld an automatic can opener already lol


…and healthier too. I do prefer to cook from fresh produce or frozen/blanched, at least. And I like to grow my own too but not yet in a position to start that. As for can opening, I love the electric ones. I used to see adverts for a little egg-shaped opener that you clip on top of the can and it runs itself around the top of the can, opening it. I’d like to get one because it’s a spacesaver! And no lifting heavy cans up underneath the electric one :wink:, 'cause you still have to get them up there and clip them on.