Library Dragon 2.0, now in mixed media

I found an art hive in town, took my library dragon there, and added to it.

Here is the final version:

My favourite part of this project?

The wallpaper details are actually made with wallpaper! :joy:

The dragon is watercolour pencils, the accent wall is wallpaper and watercolour pencils, the side walls are acrylic, the rug is watercolour pencils and watercolour, and the floorboards are watercolour. There are some details and outlines in alcohol marker and pencil also.

For reference, this is my initial drawing that I made at the library:

Thanks for looking!


Love the additions to your library dragon! Congrats on finding an art hive, too.

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Very cool! Love the wallpaper made of wallpaper! :grin:

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I love that the Library Dragon has a second life!

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Cute! Love all the room details.

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It turned out darling. The dragon looks so pleased with itself.

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