
Back to school masks…2 batches done…lots more to go…


I am getting so much fabric envy looking at everyone’s masks. I’ll admit I still have plenty of “I don’t know what to do with this” fabric to get through so my own creations aren’t nearly as dynamic.


I totally understand. I had a ton of hideous striped purple batik that lined A LOT of masks! It is not nearly as satisfying to make “meh” masks. :slight_smile:

So true. The men and older boys I have been making masks for want that plain boring gray and black. I was excited about using up that anime fabric!

4 more b2s masks…not quite as exciting but not bad. I volunteered to make some for a fam of 4 and those 10 are still looming (plain boring blue of course).


I do not interface my masks, but thinking of making some with. I went back to Magpie’s original mask pattern which I’m going to try for my next batch of 10 and all I could find was mention of “thin fusible interfacing” or “very light weight interfacing,” non-woven preferable.

I did find this article, which I thought had some good info and an interesting point re: the glue on fusible interfacing.

First batch of 5/10 done! These were made with @Magpie’s non-darted front pattern which I hadn’t tried before. It’s definitely a quicker sew! No interfacing but still passed the spray test. I also sewed in the nose pieces from @AIMR right into these like I would the jewelry wire. Success! I need more fabric before I can finish the next batch.


All 10 done!



Finished 4 more for a family down the road. I love the pink pixel flower fabric!


I’ve really slowed down on the mask making lately, mixing up some of my volunteer time with writing more letters for VoteForward (a get-out-the-vote campaign that’s having an event with the cast of Hamilton on Monday, btw!).

But I haven’t stopped masking entirely, so here are what I’ve made since last post:

Those geese may look cute but they are PESTS!


The daycares are clamoring for masks, especially if they take in foster kids. They grabbed up the 30 or so from last week. So I made 39 more. I didn’t mean to make so many, but I kept cutting fabric. They still need their elastic…maybe tonight.

So last week’s total was 56, mostly kid size. The rest were adult and make especially for the care packages we send to our church’s college kids. There were 10 this year. The care packages contain snack food, fidget spinners and other desktop toys, and more…and a new mask. I forgot to take pictures, so use your imagination.

Fat quarters to the rescue, plus some from stash.


Awesome! Such bright fabrics for the little ones!!

4 more back to school masks for me. I have 4 more cut from this fabric then I can switch to something more fun.


Very classy styles, though. Are you using pony beads for the drawstrings, or are they the silicone tension clasps?

Joining along with a few masks I’ve made lately.

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@EriChanHime - Pony beads! I have sooo many…this is helping use them up!

@Reese52 - Awesome! I love the maroon ones with the little flowers. :slight_smile:

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Here are just a tiny bit of masks I’ve made over the past few months. Keep in mind, I just taught myself to sew in April. :smile: And now I have SO MUCH FABRIC (because hello, fabric addiction is totally real) and I am also enjoying having custom fabric printed too.

Some on my mannequin:

And some kid sized ones (that were adorably too small for my regular mannequin, so a friendly cow plush helped me model them.)


Wow! You’ve been busy! I spy some GREAT fabrics! :laughing:

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Hello everyone, I’m going to join you for mask making. Will be just my immediate family and not that many, but I want nice masks, got all the fancy fabric that needs to be used anyway, and now just have to find a good pattern, some nose clips (anyone from the UK here who has bought any and can suggest a supplier?) and more importantly… TIME!


Awesome - good luck! Once you delve in I’m sure you’ll find a groove that works for you.

Can’t help on the UK nose clips, but the favorite material I’ve used so far for the nose pieces have been coffee bag ties. Mr. Road, my BIL, and my son have all said they like them best! I only get 2 per bag of coffee though so they are a precious resource lol. Good thing we loooove coffee. :laughing: