
Here’s one I custom printed and sewed for early voting yesterday.


This is AMAZING!!! :fist::muscle::ok_hand:

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There are a couple more that I’ve done that I don’t have photos of as of yet!


Love all the fun fabrics everyone is using! @PhoenixFireDesigns, that is an epic mask!! XD

And now, here’s my photo dump of masks completed since last post. I am definitely slowing down.


The next 26 or so adult masks:


Most of my masks go to a hospital group. I just heard that my masks have been in weddings (spiderman mask), board meetings, transplant operations and ICUs (people auditing, they use the cloth masks either over or under their less than adequate paper masks), given to homeless people, incarceration intake centers, college kids. They have been distributed widely.
The children’s masks have gone to the hospital day care, the children’s hospital, the Institute of Living child care. My contact tries to make sure that the underprivileged kids get a chance at a mask or two. And they love them.
I have received some very nice thank you letters, but for me, it’s my covid anxiety therapy. Making these relieves some of my stress and has reduced some stash, though I have had to buy fabric for the lining…I keep running out.


I toooootally get it. Mom and I have been giving our masks to the food bank, a women’s shelter, and a nursing home most recently, as well as still having free ones on the porch for delivery people (at least a couple are still taken every week! Yay!), and we definitely do it for the anxiety therapy. I’ve been slowing down on my mask making as I get more involved in swaps and other crafting, but have still been making at least ten or so a week.

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Hey—thought about you the other day! Your picture showed up in one of the groups I am in on FB…someone used your story about your health issue to share with our group of 200,000 “Suburban” Women! It was inspiring…I posted that you were the Tree of Life woman as well!!!

Good for you…your mask is awesome…


…you and @marionberries are really quite inspiring…I totally agree that when I feel totally helpless and don’t know what to do, making masks makes me feel I am doing a little something!

I have a feeling that in a few weeks, there is going to be a huge demand for masks…COVID is not going away by itself…


My high school students and I do a Science Buddies program with a second grade class. This year we can’t meet in person, so the teenagers film step-by-step instructions and the 2nd graders carry out the investigations in their own classroom. Our latest activity uses a Glo Germ kit to teach about germs and hygiene. I also made a class set of masks. The little people will be able to decorate them with fabric markers. I can hardly wait to see their creations!


Nice! Is it my pattern? I am happy to see it done with hair elastics, I hoped the instructions I gave about using those was clear enough. I have a bunch of elastics in fun colours I’m going to use for masks for the schools, teachers have to wear paper ones in class but they can use whatever they want on the way to and from so I will donate a bunch. I have ceased taking photos of them, it’s just overwhelming to me at this point.

I wish I had used your pattern, it would have gone faster than this one! I used this because I already had it on hand and just didn’t think about it. I will definitely try yours in the future.

It is so nice of you to donate to schools. We really do need extras for kids who don’t have them, for backup masks when kids sneeze in their own or lose theirs, or when a kid discovers that the brand new one they just bought is too uncomfortable or ill fitting to bear.

Aw, how awesome! Thanks for sharing! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

30 kid masks and 25 adult masks this week. I didnt’ take pictures, but just scroll up and look any of the other pics I posted, you’ll get the idea.

My wonderful pick-up and distribute person told me that these masks are sought after and everyone is so delighted when they score one or two. I gave a troll patterned one to a little girl the other day and she was so happy. her Halloween mask was too small and Halloween was over. Fun times.

I’m making kids masks this week and probably start on some holiday ones that I am donating to a fund raiser. I realized that I’ve made few other holiday crafts for donations this year, so I guess masks are it.


Yes, everyone is getting a mask for xmas this year, lol. I feel like I’m at the point where everyone I made them for previously is asking for another round…


I am thinking of making reversible holiday masks. Christmas on one side and Valentine’s day on the other. That would increase the usability of the mask.


I like it!

What a great idea. I made myself a skeleton mask with a black lining. I can wear the black after Halloween, though I’ve been wearing with the bones out just for fun.


I’ve been making masks for us and for family members using 1 layer of cotton and either 2 layers of silk (for summer) or one layer of polar fleece and 1 of silk. Here are a couple made and sent to my brother and his girlfriend. I use buttons for the elastic so it can be removed for washing and so they can choose if they want ear loops or around the head elastic.


Love the bones! My husband has a dia de los muertos sugar skull mask I made him, and my daughter requested a Jack Skellington mask so I made her a white mask and drew on the face with fabric pastels. Skellingtons are awesome.