Minecraft Creeper - Halloween Costume Entry 2022

Two weeks before Halloween my son decided to change his costume from Thor to a Minecraft Creeper. I purchased some clothes from the dollar store and found a square box that was going to be recycled. Three hues of green felt was purchased from JoAnn Fabrics. Black tulle was found in a Halloween bin quite by accident. Yes, let’s do this.
One week later… I realize I have zero time to make the suit what with my upcoming Halloween Soiree, house guests, and more decorating. I had purchased a Minecraft onesie for the purpose of giving it to my son during Chrismukkah, but I decided he needed it NOW.
Two days before his school Halloween parade, I had him take the box outside and paint it black. I let it sit overnight to air it out. The next day I get all the supplies together, turn on a movie, and get started. I used a circular quilter’s cutter to cut strips then cut the strips into squares. I laid out the squares on the box according to a Creeper lamp I found online. I figured it was better than the grainy photos of Creepers from the game. Hot glue gun time!
I don’t know how many strips I cut, how many squares I glued, I just know that after three movies and one episode each of two shows (with a dinner break in between), I was finally finished. The box was sliding around on my son’s head, so I hot glued the button on one of his hats to the inside top of the box. Oh yes, we cut out holes for the eyes and a slit for the mouth, which was covered from the inside with two layers of black tulle.
It was deceptively time-consuming.
In Progress Pics


The hat was a clever solution!

The costume turned out just as I imagined…what a terrific mom you are! I saw a few costumes this year and I had to shout out to the moms waiting on the streets…so much dedication to a one day wear!

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Yess! It came out awesome!! Bet he loved it!

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His costume must have been the coolest one at the event! It was well worth the time and effort; it turned out great.

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It was cute, as I was bent over gluing away he was thanking me for making it for him. I’m very surprised that I didn’t burn myself awful.


Your hard work and time really paid off in a great costume! The hat was a super clever solution!

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Fantastic! And a real labor of love to be sure!

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It looks awesome! What a fun costume!

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That looks so great! I know the face is neutral but I can’t help but see a smile.

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Thank you all! It was a labor of love for my boy.


Thats an awesome costume and its so sweet that he said thankyou. Plus you got to craft AND watch 3 movies… so win, win. Right?

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It looks fantastic!


Great work!

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