Monster Peg People - Monster Jam 2020

I made these for the Monster Jam craft-a-long going on for the month of April 2020.
I love the classic movie monsters (heck, I love all monsters) and I had a bunch of wooden pegs in my stash. What better way to use some of them up!
I added some Sculpy to both Frank and the Bride so I consider them deluxe versions. Ha! They are painted with acrylics and sealed. The wolfman has been flocked, but I re-flocked him after this picture so he no longer looks like he is suffering from mange. The Swamp creature has glitter paint.

Left to Right: The Mummy, Dracula, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolfman, and Swamp Creature.

Join in the fun! 2020 Monster Jam - April Craftalong
Monster Jam 2020-01


These are so fantastic! I love the fact that you added to some of them to capture their shapes. Your painting is top notch too. I’m always impressed by your skills. :slight_smile:

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These are deliriously amazing! All the extras - like the sculpty, the flocking, the sparkle on swamp thing, and the taupe added to the mummy’s dressings’ just make these utter stand outs!

I love them all!

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I love this little set! I really like how you modified some of the pegs to define the characters a bit more. I love all of the little details (Wolfman’s plaid shirt & flocking, the Bride’s curves, Frankenstein’s big head, the one eye peeping through on the Mummy)- so fun! I think it’s so neat how you’re able to distill the characters down to their basic parts yet make them wholly recognizable!


I love these little peg people so much. So stinking cute!

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Your peg people are fantastic!!! I love the extra sculpey bits, too!

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Adorable, I showed my 5 yo granddaughter and she wants some now.

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These are adorable and so cute!

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Oh my gosh, those are amazing! All the teeny detail, super character, wow!

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Those are so fun!

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Super cute :two_hearts:

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Congrats! Your Monster Peg People is one of this week’s featured projects.


Oh wow! Thank you! This is my first feature on LC! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So awesome!

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These could NOT be any more freaking ADORABLE OMG.


holy crap these are good! i want the set. and a haunted doll house for them to live in.


Get outta town! These are the coolest!!!

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These are so so cute!! Love them.

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Dare I call these monsters, “sweet”? They are, though!

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