My first embroidery project- ghost with candy corn

A boutique store local to me offered a class in embroidery. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try it out. I’ve embroidered facial features on my amigurumi before, so it’s not completely new to me. Still, I enjoy learning the absolute basics of any craft so I have a better foundation.
Here’s my finished piece:

And here’s how it was as per the instructions:

I didn’t leave enough white space in one of the eyes, so I put a white French knot in both of them. Then, since I had the white thread out, I went ahead and colored in the tips of the candy corns cause why not.
My advice is even if you’re not a total newbie, take the classes! You might learn something, and you’ll meet other awesome local crafters!


I like to add the white thread even if it is not part of the pattern…I think it shows up better, so I like your additions! Cute pattern…well done…have fun with your new skill set…embroidery is an adventure as there are so many stitches and so many interesting ways to use it…also, pretty forgiving as there doesn’t seem to be a lot of ways to screw it up! ha ha :laughing:


I did keep forgetting to check to make sure the thread was pulled allll the way through & not just tangled, so there are a couple of extra loops on the back. Oops!

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I have been embroidering for years and still do that…if it is knotted, I leave it so it won’t pull through or even put some fabric glue on it…I have also gotten better at that now that I am doing cross stitch!


So cute!

That fits this month’s theme for the stitchalong, post there, too!


Wow! So great for a first project. Definitely better with your additions.


Thanks, I did! What a neat thread over there!


So cool that you took a class at a local shop! And your little ghosty turned out so cute! Embroidery is such a portable and affordable craft.


This is adorable! The white thread is a nice addition. You’ll be a pro in no time!


Cute! Looks like you’re off to an excellent start. :smile:


this is super cute. the extra white was a great touch.

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Very nice!
I actually like your version better than the model!


What a fun project. I love how yours came out and agree that it’s better than the original!

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Great job! It’s super cute and turned out so good!

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This is soooooo adorable!

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:ghost: Congratulations! This spook-tacular project is featured this week! :ghost:

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Adorable. I think yours is cuter than the sample piece!


Super cute!

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That is so dang cute! Excellent job on a first project!

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I love the little smile on this ghost. I also like the advice to take crafting classes—any classes, really. Many libraries have fun ones.

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