CLOSED: Nerd Games - Winter 2022

Winter Nerd Games 2022 Prize Event

Earn a physical award this season by completing the following tasks:

  • Submit at least 20 projects. As part of the 20 projects, you must submit at least 1 Research Project OR 3 Big Time Projects.

  • Once you have submitted the required projects, send the submission form to LovelyMiss via private message.

Prizes will be sent after the season ends.

Prize Event Submission Form

I attest that I have completed the required projects for the Winter 2022 Nerd Games Prize Event: Yes/No

My name and mailing address (as it should be formatted for sending, including country) are:

How would you like your name to appear on the prize? Options: Username, First Name, First Name+Last Initial.


Prompt: January Battle - Bath
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Copic practice
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I mentioned I got some Copic markers for Christmas. I did a couple of more drawings to test them out. I used reference photos I found online for both of them, but drew them freehand and made some changes. I’ve never really used markers as part of drawing before, so it’s new and I’m finding a steep learning curve (particularly unforgiving, even with the blending marker at play!). I’m saying bath for this one because: I did it while sitting down, she looks like a lady who needs some relaxing tub time, and because I took my time with drawing and coloring it (and I always like a nice, long bath).

Project Photo(s):

copic girl

Prompt: January - Singing in the Shower
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Copic practice 2
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: The other practice drawing I did. I’m not great at it, but I’m having a great time doing it!

Project Photo(s):

copic boy


You sure fooled me. They look awesome! I love your description on the lady who looks like she could use a bath :grin:

1 Like

@LovelyMiss absolutely love that girl! The subtle blush is fantastic. Your really have a knack with the markers. I can’t wait to see what else you do.


Thanks, friends! It’s been fun so far, so I’m sure I’ll have more to share soon!


Prompt: Research Project
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Rainbow tree blanket
Project Link: A walk in the Unicorn 🦄 Forest mosaic blanket
Brief Description: I meant to finish this before the end of 2021, but couldn’t get it done in time. I just finished it about 15 minutes ago. I LOVE THIS BLANKET SO MUCH! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: See the link for more photos
Project Photo(s):


Epic! So beautiful. Do you get to keep this one for yourself?


I haven’t decided what I’ll do with it yet. I can’t leave anything made of yarn out where our lovely team mascot can reach it. He eats yarn, but not skeins… just actual projects. So I would only be able to have it out when using it. Otherwise it would have to be locked in the closet or put in a tote. I love Monkey, but his pica drives me insane.


Prompt: Jan Battle: Shower
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: A Marbled Pair of Hummingbirds
Brief Description: I use shaving cream in the shower, and used it to marble my canvas.
Project Photo:


Prompt: January - Rubber Duckie
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Delibird ATC
Project Link: Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon ATCs - #32 by roler
Brief Description: Delibird may or may not be based on a duck. XD
Project Photo(s):


Prompt: January - Bubbles
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: 1st attempt Princess Leia
Project Link: First Attempt at Princess Leia - #13 by susieoregon
Brief Description: This is my first attempt at rendering Princess Leia. I want to keep drawing her until I am happy with it. This isn’t that version. Ha! It has a white base and a circle of gold. Click the link to see how it shimmers.
Project Photo(s):


@storerboughtcreation – That blanket is incredible. I can’t even image the work that went into it. Crazy! I have heard about cats who chew on stuff. That would be super frustrating and worrisome!
@Lynx – Beautiful artwork. I love the use of the new technique.

@roler – What a high-energy card!


Prompt: January – Singing in the Shower
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: 1st attempt at Watercolor
Project Link: Learning to Watercolor #1 2022 Goal
Brief Description: Well, as we can see, I am not that good at watercolor. It alludes me. I love the way it looks, but I am way too controlled when I do art to just relax and let it flow. One goal this year is to keep at it and stop quitting because it is hard. This is attempt #1. Hopefully, many more, improved, pieces will follow.
Project Photo(s):


I think it’s spectacular.


I have no idea what you mean! How are you not good at watercolor?!?! This looks great. Maybe it’s not what you imagined the final piece to be, but it’s amaze balls. :heart_eyes:


Prompt: January - battle - shower
Team: :yarn:
Project Name: snowman diamond art
Project Link:
Brief Description: I went with shower because it’s snowing in the picture. And also, baths gross me out. Stewing in your own filth is just… :nauseated_face:
Project Photo(s):


I agree!

I like it! Snowman themed things are fun because you can keep them out all winter.

I have a diamond art piece to work on. I bought it last year when a couple of my students convinced me to give it a try. I haven’t unwrapped it yet! I need to get some containers to hold the little gems, first.


Mine came with everything I needed… except enough little plastic zippy bags to hold the opened sleeves of gems. I found a plastic storage box at the Dollar Tree that I used to hold the rest in. It worked ok, but not the best. I had a lot of fun, and I’d like to do another soon!


I saw that Harbor Freight has a bin with 25 (I think) snap shut little boxes, so as soon as the weather does not include frozen, slippery roads, I’m heading down to check them out. I probably cold have gone this afternoon, but I had a task to complete and didn’t want to get side-tracked! Monday after work might be safe enough :slight_smile: