Ongoing ATC Swap Gallery/discussion for 2023

Such a nice detailed map! Worm Beach…I will avoid that…lol

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I received two ATCs from @bluebird for my 80s scratch n sniff sticker theme! She said these were her two favorite scents.

Did this one smell like tacos?? The pen on this is ridiculously fine, I must know what you used, bluebird!

Caramel apple! Love the cheesy grin.

Both of these stickers are so quintessentially 80s! They gave me an elated laugh when I opened up the card. Thank you so much!


I also received from @GeekyBookworm for my three-eyed wisdom cat theme.

She said she had so many ideas for this, but settled on the tarot card style. He’s a magical cat floating on a book in beautiful space!
The back says his name is Whiskers. So cute and look at that third eye :astonished:

Thank you so much, @GeekyBookworm!


Yes, the taco one smelled like tacos. I also loved the pizza one! That brand of sticker had SO many good scents and also bad smells like skunk that was very realistic. :joy: The art on their stickers was a lot of fun too!

The pen was a sakura pigma micron pen in either the 005 size or 01 size.


Ah, that would be why. My smallest Micron is 3.

I have a vintage scratch n sniff that is the burger. It has a very strange face and says “Yummy” under it. I didn’t scratch it too much, but it smelled foul. I framed it :laughing:


I received a card from @irid3sc3nt for my ‘draw you day’ theme! These art journal diary pages are so much fun! So sorry to hear you had a headache that day, but hopefully the pizza and new hat helped make up for it! :slight_smile: It’s great, thank you! :slight_smile:


Yeah, that headache kinda ruined the rest of the evening. But the pizza was pretty good and the hat looks fabulous.


I received 2 ATC’S from @thanate , one is from my Barbie theme, and i love it! The other is from my Red Riding Hood theme. It’s all fabric! I was very intrigued by that and have decided that’s something I’d like to try sometime. Thank you so much for both of them.

I also received this one from @irid3sc3nt , for my Alice in Wonderland theme! It’s so cool! The Mad Hatter in the background ands then switching to a different material to use for the teapot and food…I love it! Thank you very much!


Received from Juju for my alphabet theme x 2!

M for Moomins and S for sewing. Such lovely work on both. And glad I could expose someone new to the Moomins! :heart:


I have received three ATCs!

@GeekyBookworm sent me “Cat in Boot” for my boots& cats theme. It looks like the kuribo from Mario Bros 3! It’s such a happy little kitty, too, bouncing around in the boot.

@Juju sent me this ATC for my upcoming 40th birthday! It’s so bright and cheerful! Reminds me of old Sesame Street when they used to do colors and patterns with numbers.

@thanate sent me this ATC for my secret letter theme. Look at that tiny writing and tiny letters! The swooshes fit so well with the Priority mail theme. If only snail mail moved as quickly!

Thank you all for my cards! I’m so happy to get so many all in one day!


@GeekyBookworm told me I had to play this month so she could claim me and make this “fist bump?” atc.

I think it’s funny to ask my family for fist bumps for no reasons when we play card games which is what this represents.

Very funny! Thanks GB!


Cool card! @GeekyBookworm is really growing in her skills for drawing…her ATCs in this thread have been wonderful!

Everyone around here fists bumps…must be a leftover thing from the pandemic protocols. I like it better than a handshake or high five.


Thank you! :grin:

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psst-- look carefully at the right side of the card-- there is an actual secret letter, too.

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Oh my it is SO CUTE! Okay, I will have to take a pic tomorrow when there is more light.


I think I have a photo w/ the secret letter:

(I don’t know why, but I’ve been wanting to write unhinged correspondence between imaginary people recently…)

But I have also got ATCs to post!
from @Juju for “witchycore”

and from @irid3sc3nt for “things drawn on stone,” it’s a lipstick arrow from Labyrinth:


Your imaginative writing is great! Was the secret letter in the ATC?

Yes, the ATC is two cards glued along 3 sides, so one edge opens to slide the letter in.


That’s so clever! I love interactive pieces…

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Yay! I was just going to post a photo. The last two times I remembered, it was nighttime. :woozy_face:
I thought you had taken the correspondence from a book or a journal, it seems “real”!