Ongoing ATC Swap Gallery/discussion for 2023

I received a beautiful Hawaiian plumeria tropical flower from @curiousfae !

Thanks also for the stickers and funny card!



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I recd an adorable card from @bluebird for my “what ate the strings off my hammock last night” theme AND beets. Lol. So funny and stinking adorable.

Story… we came out one morning to find all the strings holding up the hammock shredded to pieces. So weird! After some more rational thought (I was convinced it was squirrels trying to sabotage me for redoing the roof and closing up their hole in the roof probably preventing them from getting to their well hidden winter nut storage) we decided it was from being left out in the weather too many times.

And beets. Beets were on my themes list. I’m going through a Greek salad phase. Lol.

Here was her idea….

So cute. Thank you.


These weird combos make me laugh…what a funny story…the imagination is way better than reality when it comes to how things happen…lol…I still think it was the squirrels…mad squirrels are quite vengeful!


Hahaha! That beet looks like pure mischief


I named it “Mmm…strings”. :upside_down_face: I’m glad you enjoyed it! :slight_smile:


Before I was “old enough” on the site to join a swap, I did a direct trade with @AIMR for an ATC.

My 9-year-old included her own ATC in the envelope I sent, so we received something back for me and her, and my daughter was so happy to get a little bundle just for her. It really warmed my heart. Thank you so much :heartbeat:

We got a beautiful handmade card and an ATC for each of us. AIMR also sent a little note for my daughter, along with a sheet of adorable stickers, which my girl immediately put to use to decorate her ATC binder, as shown in the photo.


I’m going to introduce ATCs to my students today as a part of their options for early finisher activities!


Hi all! It looks like August has been fairly slow & we’re creeping up on September-- are people in for swapping ATCs next month, or are we going to be busy with other things?

  • Yes please!!
  • I’d probably sign up.
  • Busy, busy, busy… maybe October?
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Now that my kids are back in school I’m hoping to sign up next month and get back to spending my lunch breaks crafting :slight_smile:


I wasn’t able to sign up as I needed to complete a swap beforehand.

Ok, definitely looks like there are enough people to run a swap for. :grin:

@Manders do you mean you’re in another swap & waiting on feedback? September sign-ups won’t even open until next week & they go all month, so you have plenty of time.


hilarious! so cute @bluebird
and @curiousfae , the flower is beautiful!


great idea!
and @LindyBlues , so fun that your daughter is involved in crafty swapping!
@AIMR , nice!


I have to apologize to @curiousfae for not posting a pic of her wonderful ATC earlier. This was from July.

The envelope arrived all mangled and looked like it had gotten wet at one point and everything was warped so I had put it all under a heavy book to flatten out and forgot about it!

I’m so glad the actual art didn’t seem to bleed or be damaged. this is so freaking cute. the coffee mug is perfect! I would love to live by a coffee waterfall :joy:

Thanks @curiousfae!

The damage :frowning:


Wow, that’s amazing that it survived that trip!
Lovely, @curiousfae

Glad the ATC survived! It is really cute and unique…love the entire image…

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Glad it got to you! Looks like it went through one heck of a ride to get there. Lol. Can’t believe it didn’t smear. :hushed:

Glad y’all liked it. Again, it was inspired by a Pin I saw. I’m a slave to that old Pinterest machine.


Wow, what a beautiful card! I’m so glad it survived the damage! I would also love to live by a coffee waterfall! :laughing: :coffee:

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Wow. I am so glad the art arrived undamaged. So pretty.