Ongoing Ornament Swap 2020 Discussion and Gallery

Thanks y’all!

Ouch! Sorry you hurt your hand @AuFish!

You guys have been very busy claiming; I can’t wait to finish up some projects so I can claim some more!

I’m about halfway done with another ornament. …

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I went to a corn maze for some fun with a friend today… that means no crafting, but tons tomorrow.
I love the trippy medieval manuscript monsters! Count on @roler to have great/unusual themes! :smiley:


I actually reeeeeally wanted to claim you for another one of your specific themes, but I really need to finish the one I’m working on first! But then… I will try! XD

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Ack! Stayed up until 1:30 a.m. working on swap projects. I’ve got the ornament for @roler about 90% done, and made a good start on the one for @AudiobookLover.

I’m having so much fun! But must go to bed now… :zzz:

(A corn maze sounds fun! It’s been a long time since I did that.)


It had been yeeeears since I last did one. But a friend and I wanted an adventure, so we headed out, 90 minutes down the road to the largest maze in the state and finished the challenge course (armed with our trivia questions and sense of direction) in 50 minutes. We had a blast. She also helped me confirm an accoutrement for an ornament and I helped her with an idea she has for a chiminea ornament.

Since this is my first ongoing swap, I can see how it becomes addictive! I just need to pare down my ideas or up my speed, so I can make more claims… hmmmm, it must be speed up, right?! :rofl:


We don’t have corn mazes in my area, but there were a bunch near the college I went to. I had forgotten how fun it was until @lifeinpigtails post reminded me!

My biggest problem with swaps is that I just want to craft and create, but then the housework starts to pile up until I can’t ignore it anymore :unamused:. If I can just figure out how to craft while scaling the laundry mountain!


Yay! @marionberries has joined us in our ornament making frenzy! @Edel, I hope you decide to join, too! This group is so fun!


Woohoo! Welcome @marionberries! Just be warned, this swap can be addictive!


It really really is! Welcome, @marionberries!

Yes, welcome! This swap has been super fun; I know you’ll enjoy it, too.


Thank you all. I promise to get addicted.


Made a little progress on my current ornament tonight; if I finish it tomorrow I’ll let myself claim again :slight_smile:

In an interesting twist, a brainstorming session for the ornaments I’ve claimed led to an unexpected conversation on preconceptions, patience, and how to important it is to know your audience if they are supposed to follow your directions. All this initiated by my teen! Of course we then drifted into the attack capabilities of medieval snails and if they could win against a pack of velociraptors. Still, I can claim that not only is swapping educational, but enlightening as well! Thanks @lifeinpigtails and @roler for helping with life lessons!


If I were a fly on the wall with that conversation! Lol

@marionberries, I love your themes! My claims are full, but hopefully I’ll get to snag you at some point!


I finished my ornament for @roler yesterday, so that freed me up enough to make another claim!


Exciting!! XD I’m hoping to finish one tonight :slight_smile:


I’m really hoping to finish 2, if not 3 today! Hopefully I’ll be able to get them in the mail before tomorrow so I can open myself up to make more claims!


I got out my _____ (which I’ve had a few years but really never played with) and fought and fought with it, but in the end was able to make a pretty decent _____. Now, to add the finishing touches and it will be ready to mail hopefully Monday.


I didn’t end up finishing anything yesterday, but I did today! Should have it in the mail on Monday.

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