Our Little Free Library

We just installed our Little Free Library (‘Gratis Biebje’ in Dutch) in front of our home.
Marc and I designed it together, but all the credit for making it goes to Marc!

All of the materials for building it were reclaimed/recycled.
The only thing we spent some serious money on was the paint.

The note says that people can take one book at a time and that they have three options:
Trade = trade it for a book of their own.
Borrow = return it when they’ve finished reading it.
Gift = if they want to keep it, that’s fine with us too.
We also ask for book donations.

It is probably (as far as we know) the first Little Free Library in our town.
We hope you like it.
Bea & Marc


WOW! What a cool version of the Little Free Library! I have always wanted to have one, but since we live where we do I have to satisfy my urge by contributing to a few nearby.


It’s so sweet! I hope it sees lots of love!

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So cute! I love the bright colors! It looks so happy and inviting :heart:

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What a beauty! It is wonderful. I hope it gets lots of use and brings some smiles to your neighborhood. Nicely done!


It has been less than an hour, in a quiet street, and the three little cardboard baby books have already gone…
One book per person, you said? LOL
I hope they make that baby happy! Or perhaps multiple babies?

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I love visiting the little free libraries in San Francisco. I even choose restaurants according to where a library is located! It will be fun to see how the books come and go.

And the paint job is glorious!


This is really wonderful. I love it so much. I’m going to have to get my husband to make one (once we’ve finished all the renovations!)


This is so fun and cheerful… what a great way to share the love of books!

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really, really adorable. good work!

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It’s beautiful! I love that it’s made from reclaimed materials & I think the bright paints were definitely worth it! It looks much more fun like this than it would have looked in boring cream or grey or whatever people have in their paint stash. It looks very inviting for kids too. Don’t be surprised to come home and find three kids on your bench, playing with your cat and reading comics!


Thanks, everyone!
Marc is very proud of his work.
And we both love to share our love for books.


It is wonderful & sure to get lots of attention painted so brightly. Nicely done you two :blush:

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This rocks so hard! What an awesome way to spread positivity and share your love for literary works with your community :smiley:


This is wonderful! Your library is adorable, and such a kind and generous thing to do for the community!


Your little library is just beautiful! Great job!
I really like the idea of sharing books. We have many of those libraries in public places around our neighborhood. Some of them are old pay phone boxes that were prettied up.


Thank you very much, @loves2experiment, @Bunny1kenobi and @Ewulotta !


This is the coolest. :raised_hands:


This is so cute! I love the little free libraries.

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