Out of Context Shakespeare: Masterboard ATCs

ATCs made from: 1 masterboard, people cut from an advertising art reference book (c1947), and phrases cut from a falling-apart Shakespeare collection (I used mostly Love’s Labour’s Lost and a bit of Merchant of Venice). This was the first time I’ve made a whole batch of ATCs at once and the result was very satisfying!

Also my first masterboard, which was fun to experiment with. It has acrylic paint, bits of greeting card cut up, tissue paper, and inked stamps. The circles are paint stamps using thread spools.

Close-ups and transcriptions, because I know small text can be hard to read on certain devices. Some of these phrases are intact as they appear in text, and some of them I have combined two or more from different places.

Top: The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark / When neither is attended
Bottom: A heavy heart bears not a humble tongue. / Even so; my tale is told.

Left: Doth this man serve God? / Or am I much deceiv’d
Right: Come challenge me / I’ll do it in my shirt.

Left: We have receiv’d your letters full of love / The ship is under sail
Right top: A quarrel, ho, already! / Holla! approach.
Right bottom: By heaven, I will ne’er come in your bed / Until I see the ring

Left: Loves her by the foot. / He may not by the yard.
Right: You were to blame, I must be plain / my griefs are double. / I should be mad at it.

Left: I am never merry when I hear sweet music. / Bus music for the time / doth change his / nature.
Right: The naked truth of it is, I have no shirt.

Left: A lemon. / I understand you not
Right: I am that flower, / That mint. / That columbine.



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You :metal:ed this!

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Love how the background masterboard seems almost incongruous with the old images and quotes.

Interesting and fun…just love the use of thread spools as stamps as well…I love using them and bottle caps as well as corks and pen tops…you did a wonderful job with colors and textures…

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Love this! Masterboard + out of context Shakespeare = awesome!!!

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These are an absolute hoot!

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Love this idea and they are fabulous!

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The shirt ones are kind of hilarious… :grinning:


The Shakespeare quotes with the images are awesome!

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These are fantastic!! Love the quotes!!

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There is so much incongruity. Exceptional work!


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This totally ROCKS! :love_you_gesture:

What a fun idea.

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What they said. My favorite quote/face mashup is the “Holla! approach” moustache guy.


I love this! So much fun! Out of context ANYTHING can be such a hoot, but Shakespeare? That’s a whole bunch of awesome!!


These are great! & I love the idea of using a thread spool as a stamp :smiley:

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These are great!!

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Fantastic!!! I love how they all work individually and as a set. You ROCKed it out of the park! :smile: I also love your masterboard! Aren’t they fun? :slightly_smiling_face: I think it is the perfect background for these.


Yahoo! You are one of this week’s featured projects. Way to go!


I love, love, love them!
Great masterboard, fun picture cut-outs and great Shakespeare texts, creatively combined into wittiness.

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Those are so much fun!

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