OWS Round 1 (August) Discussion and Gallery

The great thing about this swap is that you just claim however many items you can fulfill. It’s perfect if you’re going to be traveling or gone for part of the time! :slight_smile:


I love that the claiming is hopping. I must get at least one into the mail so I can claim again!

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I am moving much faster than I thought…I have one ready to be picked up today and will send the tracking as soon as the mailman shows up…we had a “hurricane” so everything is a bit behind…I have no air conditioning (the fan blew) but I am crafting in 90 degree weather with a fan on! I want to make all the claims…


Oh man. I just shrivel up in that kind of heat. It’s been like that over here off and on for the last couple of weeks and I am having a hard time of it. Fortunately, my studio is the lowest room in the house and therefore tends to stay the coolest. I also sit right next to a fan so that helps. Although, when the heat lifted a bit this week I certainly accomplished more than I would have otherwise. :wink:

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We’re visiting family but I did pack a bunch of craft stuff :smiley: It limits what I can claim since there are… hmmm… two kinds of things I could claim at the moment. I’ll be home in a week but until then it’s stamps, some crocheted things or nothing for me :slight_smile:

I am the opposite - my craft room is in the basement, and I ran the heater down there well into May…

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I received from @fishstix43 today for miniatures and other supplies. She sent these adorable little ceramic animals, a little metal tea kettle and phone, and a gumball machine. What she did not know was that I had a gumball machine just like this when I was little and I recently let my kids play with it and it accidentally got broken. :frowning: So, perfect. :slight_smile: She also included two sweet ATC’s, some lovely fabric and some embroidery floss to squirrel. Thank you very much! I love everything.

Oh yeah, and it all came in this awesome box that I will find a purpose for…


Great start to the gallery! Those miniatures are so cute! The little teapot is just the sweetest.

Also, love those fabrics…they go together very nicely.

The art work is also beautiful…and I know that box can become a few things!

Ooo… those little miniatures are so cute! :heart_eyes:

I’m so glad you like them, and that it all got there intact! Clearly the gumball machine was destined for you! I love those gameboard expansion boxes; they are so sturdy, since they are designed to live on a shelf forever. We just always have some floating around, since my husband is as much into board games as I am into crafting.


I sat down and made the time to make forward motion on this and I have finished both my claims. Yay! I will mail them soon


I sent off my first claim to @Kwality570 today! I love a good crafty weekend :smiley:

I also rearranged my Lettuce Craft Wishes board on Pinterest into sections, which was really neat! So now it should be even easier for when someone claims me next :slight_smile:

I will continue to add things to it :hugs:


Oh my goodness! Those miniatures! LOVE!

Sorry I was gone for the weekend. I tweaked my back and just rested.

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How was everyone’s weekend?

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I had a good weekend, and a great monday so far. Mid-vacation :grin: We’ve puttered around. Looked at plants at a plant nursery. Didn’t go swimming but just sat and looked at the sea since the water and dock was at corona-capacity… Bought yarn at the cutest indie dyer. And found a couple geocaches.


Sorry to hear about your back…I swear when your back or feet hurts, your whole body hurts! Hope you feel better!

My weekend was a mixed bag of fun…Zoom meeting with some people here!..and then not so fun…helping out some family with real life duties…

Overall, it is just another weekend…a little crafting and a little reading as well!


I’m going with “we survived another week!” and leaving it there.


Gardening, Crafting and Online Tutoring - perfect weekend for me!

I hope your back feels better soon :yellow_heart:

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I had a good weekend working on my two outstanding claims. One is mostly done and the other has been started. It feels good to create again!

Hope you’re feeling better, kittykill!

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Our weekend was similar to thanate’s.

I hope your back feels better soon, kittykill. :slight_smile: