Paper, Mixed Media, Art Journaling Craftalong 2023

Last night I did an art journal page inspired by this video from megjournals where she breaks down her usual process and then does it in reverse.

Instead of starting with a base layer of paint and/or collage, I went straight for the focal image and quote. Then stenciling/mark-making (which I guess is normally second in my three steps anyway, now that I think about it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) and the “base” paint. I fully intended to collage, but I was really happy with it at this stage and let that go.

The weather is very meh today; I may replace with a better picture if tomorrow is nicer.
Photo updated; these colors are a little truer.


I really like this! Love it when changing up your process works out!

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I’m scattered, starting lots of things and then wandering to work on other projects. But yesterday I made lots of colorful papers using acrylic inks and water.


I’m slowly working through “The Flower Journal” class by Alisa Burke. Last week I watched lesson four and finally sat down last night to do it. It wasn’t looking quite right but I was enjoying the process…

This morning I looked at her lesson again and now I see what I did “wrong” :sweat_smile: oh well, I still had fun playing with paint :art: :upside_down_face: now I need to decide if I’m going to try again on a new page or if I’ll try to fix this one :thinking:


I don’t think there is any “wrong”…and like she said, everything is “fixable”…I would leave it and just do it again…it is lovely and interesting!


:seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face: :seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face: :seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face: :seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face:

HEY EV-ERY-BODY! It’s time to vote in the Spring Is In The Air Challenge! Get on over there before the poll closes on March 27, 2023!

Not sure if this belongs here since I did it on my iPad but including it here since it was one of the Sketchbook Revival lessons. I actually made one with markers and pencils this morning like she shows but I didn’t like how it turned out. Using the iPad feels like cheating but it allowed me to get the colors I wanted and was super relaxing to color in the shapes with my Apple Pencil.

It was a fun exercise and I can see myself making many more of these both digitally and physically (I’ll probably use acrylics next time).


I started doing this back in elementary school, I even have some in my keepsake box. Still fun to make.

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Yeah, hoping it’s a bit more intentional than my elementary school art :joy:

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As if I didn’t have enough unused scrappy masterboards, I made a new one this week. (In my defense, the sticking-and-plonking was a stressbuster, and it got a lot of the bits off my table.)

Then I got antsy and cut most of it down into ATC/coin bases and random bits that are probably too chaotic to use. Maybe I should just call them finished ATCs…


if something feels too chaotic just brayer/scrape on some gesso or white paint in a thin layer to push it all to the background. then you can layer more!


Ugh. I have been absolute rubbish at completing my classes lately. I petered out on both Architecture Adventures and Love Your Imperfect Letters (though I fully intend to pick them back up!), Of course that didn’t stop me from buying Portrait Petite…Alisa Burke’s new class…wish me better luck on this one! :laughing: :sweat_smile:


lol I am in the same boat…I get going like there was a fire, and then I burn out…I also signed up for that one…now I have four, plus fodder 1 and 2, and Art is Magic from last year…and vintage page designs…I need intervention…


I realized I really don’t like the format of “do X every day for Y days” classes where Y > 5. I always start off strong, then a few days in I miss a day for whatever reason, feel behind, and never go back. I really like the Fodder School format where you get a set of videos, have a couple weeks to make stuff, then more videos in a couple weeks. It feels like there’s enough time to actually play with/explore the techniques.

I really like the content of most of Alisa’s classes, I think I just need to start approaching them differently - doing the lessons I like multiple times/days, allowing myself to jump around, giving myself permission to skip over the ones I don’t find appealing, etc

The classes I’ve liked the most seem to be the ones where the videos are available in bulk but organized in some way. Then I pace myself by watching a few, making stuff, watching some more, making more stuff, repeat.


Yeah, I probably should have done that to the whole thing before I cut it up, but I got overeager :laughing: .

I completely forgot about prompts for March. Work has been kind of rough.

Here are Aprils prompts.

  • non straight edge
  • orange
  • some kind of tape, masking, WASHI, dry wall, etc.
  • hearts
  • circles

How about everyone throw out a few random prompts and I’ll save them and mix and match for future months?


Here’s my April page.

It’s the first day in a long time I’ve been able to spend a good amount of time arting and it was glorious!

This is in a cheap composition notebook. At one time being able to see the lines would have bugged me. But now it’s just part of the overall design!


Oh, hey there.

All you craftalong-ers check out the Peek Behind The Curtains Challenge! You don’t need to make something new to join in, you just have to (finally) share the things you’ve made already! WHAT!?


This is fantastic Carlee!

I really love everything everyone’s been posting, you all inspire me to keep going with experimentation in my journals :smile_cat:

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I’m still working on the piece I started with the February prompts lol.

Here’s a couple of random prompts for future use from me:
found poetry
leaves and tendrils

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